Hello. I read about score calculating in ladder games, and I guess it's not fair. I think Heroes are underrated there, and cities overrated. I think game should consider cities wall level, income and production as well. Some values should depend on map size as well. Here is my proposition (for next season ofcourse):
Unit = (1 point per tier) divided by sqrt(K/10)
Heroes = (4 + 2 per level + 1/2/3 per item tier 1/2/3 (items score cap to 3 items per hero)) multiplied by sqrt(K/10).
Gold = (1 point per 100 gold) divided by sqrt(K/10)
City = 6 + 1 per 5 defense(wall) + 1 per every 25 income over 15 + 1 per tier of the most expensive in city production
Other buildings = 0.5 + 0.5 per 5 defence (wall) for towers, 1 point per watch tower, 1 point per 20 income from sites.
This points distribution gives better balance for me and considers map influence (the bigger map is, units and gold are less important and heroes are more important). It is estimated for 1v1 games (not sure if it should be different in FFA or Team games, rather not).
I think i feel this game quiet good, if this values are less balanced than actually used I shouldn't be able to play so effective, because my priors are simply bad.
Now its kinda weird that even game with cities distribution 45/55 % on big map can be considered for win by 55% owner even if he has no heroes and the other player has 2 level 5 heroes full of items which stacked have 25 leadership 60% group ambush, 7 chaos and +6 group move for example. Now Heroes (3 points + 1 per level!!) - if hero value is so low - why u even consider hero offers?