Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

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Re: Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:03 pm

1) Yes on White to Chimeria
2) Yes on Orange to Zabingo (might move a L1 ruin slightly closer to this start spot since others have a close by L1 ruin)
3) I would try and move the Red capitol about 6-7 squares north. That lets them get to the NoThingFjord area a bit easier so they can expand in that direction and contest the area with Blue/Green. You can move a couple of other nearby neutrals slightly north too so there isn't such a large distance from the new capitol location to the neutrals.
4) Yes on Green to Genua

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Re: Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Celeb » Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:08 pm

Ok, white and orange cahnges were made...
Moving red a bit north would mean reshaping the nearby terrain entirely, wouldnt a road towards Nothingfjord suffice?
Still not sure about the green - if we leave him on his continent, he will be able to reach the Genua bay quite easily as well as press on red from the north (with the new road from above...).
Will submit the map with the changes so we can discuss on...
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Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:05 pm


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