Do US support the Islamic state

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Do US support the Islamic state

Postby Igor » Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:28 pm

Just today have read an article, placed in EU oriented media which usually supports EU sightpoint. As Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi said in an interview with a row of Iranian media, US airplanes regulary make flights to airports which are under control of the terroristic Islamic state. These planes, as Hassan Firouzabadi said, supply weapon, money and food to these airports. If it is so, this looks like US support the Islamic state.
"The United States should not supply weapons, money and food to group" Islamic State ", and then apologize for they supposedly did it by mistake. Americans say in words that they want to confront the IS. And in fact we see another - they are watching and carry out reconnaissance, "- said Firouzabadi.

I don't know is it true. Looks unbelievable. Has anyone heared something about this point.
Here is the article (in Russian)
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Re: Do US support the Islamic state

Postby makeixo » Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:46 pm

They dont - at least I cannot imagine it.

The US - like every emipre - has done pretty horrible/bad stuff, but they dont support IS. If there are flights it also could be about hostages. Governments say they dont pay for hostages, but they do.
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Re: Do US support the Islamic state

Postby gil » Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:04 am

the US like any other western state had found their humanitarian rules of engagement, make them non equipped to deal with ISIS. and now there sending weapons to another evil in the area to engage ISIS on equal terms.

soon they'll claim ISIS is contained.
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Re: Do US support the Islamic state

Postby Igor » Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:58 pm

If it is for hostages, US should soon sound this to justify themselves.

Gil, did you mean US supplies both sides of this conflict - IS and countries which fight this it.
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Re: Do US support the Islamic state

Postby gil » Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:24 am

igor noooo.
muslims have infinite number of tribes and their always fighting for domination among themselves.

isis controls the roads but other tribes still has teritory exists and are at war with them.

The current weapons isis is using was sent to a muslim fraction trying to kill isis about 2 years ago. there was big fight isis won took women and weapons as war bounty killed male leaders and enlisted the trained troops into there ranks.
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Re: Do US support the Islamic state

Postby Igor » Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:47 pm

Recently Russian air base in Syria was under attack of unmanned aircraft with bombs, which were sent by terroristic groups based in Syria under US protection.
Russian military ministry said that terrorists couldn't have such high technologies if USA didn't give it to them. There was no problem to beat them down, this air base is well defended. But if these terrorists will give this technology farther to their "colleagues" in areas closer to Europian countries, this would be much more difficult to beat down such unmanned aircrafts near European cities.
What is happenenig in USA that this country have decided to support terrorists with high technologies so openly?
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Re: Do US support the Islamic state

Postby KGB » Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:45 am

The 'official' word is that this technology was 'captured' from US allies by the terrorists so the US isn't supporting them.

Unofficially the US is testing the Russian defense capabilities against unmanned aircraft so they can learn what to put in the next generation of unmanned aircraft ;)

Also the US secretly hopes those terrorists use them in European countries so that they will call on the US to defend them against such attacks which means more weapon sales for the US and more US bases in Europe as the US expands it's military presence there :o

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Re: Do US support the Islamic state

Postby Igor » Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:29 pm

Does USA plan "to lose" in Syria a compact kind of nuclear weapon through these allies, for testing?
Such a peaceful plan :)
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Re: Do US support the Islamic state

Postby KGB » Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:00 am

LOL, definitely not. That wouldn't be popular with the American public given the North Korea nuclear issues going on.

On the other hand you must understand that the warmongers in the US still want Ukraine to join NATO :shock: . For that to happen the Ukranians (who are incompetent) will have to be able to defeat the rebels who are supplied with Russia equipment. So testing drones in Syria against Russian equipment will let the US (and Ukraine) know whether to deploy it there against the rebels to break the stalemate.


P.S. Trump just announced Embassy staff will now be allowed to be arms dealers. Everyone is going to want an embassy now :lol: ... ort-policy
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Re: Do US support the Islamic state

Postby Igor » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:43 pm

What should wait from businessman in big power, other than to make power as big buisiness :)
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