As an experiment, I created 4 password-protected FFA games.
I will take the first watch, so if you want in the games, just send me a message, and I will send the password that is good for all the four games, and it will then be more your responsibility than mine, to send the password on to whomever you want.
The ultimate goal, is that everybody that likes “serious” FFA games should learn the password, but all the brand new players that have played one tutorial, is talking to nobody, and then forgets about the games they signed up for, is locked out.
Only a small amount of the effort , has to do with the players that have made an habit out of quitting slow, or repeatedly taking such stupid risks in the beginning of the game that they almost always give up within 6 turns. You should be ashamed of yourselves!
As punishment you will be locked out of a handful of games, if I get to decide!
Which I will not, since everybody getting the password is supposed to send it on to whomever they want, and so on…
Don’t worry Seraad, you are most welcome. One fly does not make a summer!;)
But let’s try to get a few games going where the number of players does not go down by two before turn 5.
It makes the game totally unbalanced, when a couple of people fight neutrals, while the rest of us fight each other for every square of the map.
Let’s get some good and balanced games going!
Remember, the goal is to lock out the players that know nothing, does not care, and will never know, not to discriminate among the players that play the game!
As soon as the newbies care enough to ask, we let them into the ladder games, is the way this should go.
Pointing fingers at the annoying quitters...
Well, I guess we will just have to grow up, and let it go.
But let’s taunt them first, for a little while, so that they feel they have sinned!
I have been a sinner myself, so this feels a bit awkward. A good compromise is to lock out the players that really do not care if we lock them out, because they are unaware that we do it.
That would be the new account holders that show no interest.