Freeze time

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Freeze time

Postby smursh » Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:16 am

How is freeze time working in simul games?

According to wiki freeze time is random and then next turn starts. But in team games on simul I am noticing one side gets to move first. Anyone know how this is working?
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Re: Freeze time

Postby Chazar » Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:29 pm

My guess is that the freeze time is a random value per turn that is the same for all teams.

However, each team has only one freeze time period for the entire team, which is started once the last player of a team has ended their turn.

Note that you can still move after you have ended your turn, if other team members have not ended yet!
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Re: Freeze time

Postby SnotlinG » Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:39 am

Chazar is correct, so the team that finish all their players turns first will be able to move first next turn...
This is to stop double-moves...
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Re: Freeze time

Postby LordNerevar » Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:27 pm

Which means that my opponent still has the double move, if I play first from my team and log off for a couple of hours.

My opponent moves a few hours later (and I can not react to his moves, because I am offline), than my team mate ends turn a few minutes after my opponent. Even though I am online, I am freezed and I can just watch how my opponent conquers my cities in his second turn. A sad story.
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Re: Freeze time

Postby Moonknight » Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:12 pm

Yeah, I try my best to avoid simultaneous turn games altogether b/c it becomes a game of when can i end my turn and get the first moves next b/c I know what hours my opponent is typically online. Also, I feel pressured to get my turn done quickly for my team b/c I don't want to be the reason the opponent gets to react first the next turn.

I also don't like the first turns always being simultaneous in non-simultaneous games (better now that it's only 3 turns) b/c I forget if the game was actually a simul game or not (when it's supposed to switch over), and whether i'm okay to leave a city empty that is supposed to get production the next turn or not.
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Re: Freeze time

Postby KGB » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:08 pm

In simultaneous games production should be happening for all players at the start of the turn.

In other words even if player X gets to unfreeze before player Y, both players should be getting production at the same time (when player X unfreezes).

That doesn't fix the issue of moving twice in team games but should handle the empty city problem assuming your making 1 turn units.

If it doesn't work like that it's a serious bug.

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Re: Freeze time

Postby Moonknight » Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:29 am

KGB, I'm referring to the turn that it switches from Simul to non-Simul (now starts at turn 4). Sometimes I'm thinking, oh, this is a simul game so I will have a unit produced. Then I realize it isn't a simul game and I left a city unprotected that gets razed.

Now, it's not a problem on most maps with correct starting spots, but it can cause issues on maps that aren't properly set up like Illuria.
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Re: Freeze time

Postby KGB » Tue Jan 31, 2017 2:41 am


Yeah that can be an issue for sure. Not just maps that aren't setup well, but any FFA map can suffer this issue because players can't be that far apart.

One easy fix is to extend the simultaneous production to the turn after simultaneous turns ends. So the start of turn 4 would be turn based but the production for everyone would occur when player 1 starts his turn. That way no one gets screwed on the changeover.

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Re: Freeze time

Postby Moonknight » Wed Feb 01, 2017 2:45 am

Good idea KGB
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Re: Freeze time

Postby smursh » Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:12 am

Problem is worse if wizards are in starting units. Almost all maps become succeptable to early razes then.
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