How to empty map slots?

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How to empty map slots?

Postby jetigig » Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:06 pm

I'd like to start a game with a map that I am having trouble finding in the game lobby but can find in the map viewer. I figured the best way to do this was to "save" it by adding it to one of the map slots and choose it from there, but even though I only have one map in my slots when I select that option in the game lobby, Warbarons is telling me that all my map slots are full when I try to select this map in the ma viewer. How can I empty those slots so I am able to bookmark this map?
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Re: How to empty map slots?

Postby KGB » Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:09 am

How do you know you only have 1 map in your slots?

I have 4 of 5 in my slots. When I go through the map list (Maps->view maps) I see I can either 'add' a map or 'remove' one. The ones I can remove are the 4 I have in my slots. So if you go through all the maps are you saying there is only 1 map to remove? There should be 5. The only way I could see a problem is if you had a really old map that wasn't available anymore so there was no way to remove it.

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