Wild Runs [5.0] is submitted for review.

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Wild Runs [5.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Vicotnic » Thu Aug 24, 2017 3:40 pm

New map: Wild Runs [5.0] by Vicotnic.
Map editor link: Wild Runs [5.0]

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Postby Vicotnic » Thu Aug 24, 2017 3:44 pm

Center cities adjusted to be more in center, snow/desert added to the narrow roads in the center, cities by the mountain pass made easier and yield more income, more roads makes by passing center easier, eagle production capacity added to cities, roads broken up, L3 ruins made slightly easier to access and now yields 4 Green Dragons
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Postby Vicotnic » Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:06 pm

Center cities adjusted to be more in center, snow/desert added to the narrow roads in the center, cities by the mountain pass made easier and yield more income, more roads makes by passing center easier, eagle production capacity added to cities, roads broken up, L3 ruins made slightly easier to access and now yields 4 Green Dragons.
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Re: Wild Runs [5.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:36 am

I'm interesting in playing it to see if it makes much of a difference in the middle area.

I still think you should have moved the entrance to the Yeti area to the left hand side.

You might also have solved (or still need to solve) the race through the middle by placing 2 Pikemen on an open square so that you had to kill them to get by. That would be enough to stop Lt Calv and scouts from racing through there but not enough to stop any hero stacks. That extra delay might be enough to encourage more players to go around the edges if they didn't fear an early assault through the middle.

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Re: Wild Runs [5.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Vicotnic » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:28 pm

Some guard at the towers would prevent the LghCav or Scout rushing, I will consider it. The amount of movement it takes North to the Yeti city is the same as the amount for South to the Crusader city (if they don't got units that can lead through snow/desert or fliers) so I think it's fine.
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Re: Wild Runs [5.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:18 pm

I count 39 movement points (not squares) for North and only 35 for South. That includes the snow/desert terrain in the squares themselves.

In the south it's 10 moves to reach 35,39 (road directly above the L1 ruin with the scorpion). From there it's 15 more to reach the tower at 27,30. Then 10 more to attack the city for a total of 35.

In the north its 14 moves to reach 14,13 (open square with no road). From there it's 20 moves to reach the tower at 18,26. Then 5 more to attack the city for a total of 39.

With a scout the south player can save 3 movement (3 desert squares) while the north player can save only 2 (ice squares). The south player also saves 1 more movement point because units are created in the upper left corner so he gets on the road immediately while the north player pays an extra 1 to move through his own city.

Minor differences but ones that add up on small maps like this.

On the other hand if you put 2 Pikemen in each tower the race slows down dramatically because of the need to wait for armies to conquer the towers.

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Re: Wild Runs [5.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Vicotnic » Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:57 am

16 moves without scout from 35,39 to tower (desert cost 3), but just 9 more from there to city, so a total of 35.

There are only 17 moves from 14,13 (open square with no road) to tower. Giving us a total of 36.

So the difference is abit smaller, but with scouts shaves 3 movement of South while only 1 of North (scouts moves 3 in snow, right?) so that makes it slightly bigger. I probobly should add one more piece of road for North making it equal without scouts and 3 shorter for South with (which seem acceptable to me, especially if pikemen are added to the towers).
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Re: Wild Runs [5.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:39 pm

Its only 15 from 35,39 to tower. You don't follow the road but instead cut across the open diagonally at 31,35 to 28,32. That saves 1 move so it's only 15. Then it's 10 to reach city (9 to stand outside but 10 to attack).

Your right about the north side only being 14. I thought one of those snow squares had no road.

Yes, scout reduce movement by 1 in snow so it's 3.

Ultimately if you put pikemen in the towers it won't matter as much if the difference is 1-2 squares.

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Re: Wild Runs [5.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Vicotnic » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:40 pm

Ah, you're right, might as well adress it in next update anyway thou.
Posts: 83
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