Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

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Re: Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

Postby KGB » Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:16 am

OK I vote for:

1st Group Phase: Four Lords Original
2nd Group Phase: Abandoned Kingdom
3rd Group Phase: Michuaquan
Semi Final: Central Sahara
Final: River Crossing

My reasoning is you want larger maps in early rounds when there are lots of players. Save the smaller maps till the final 2 rounds when there are only 4 players left and you want the tourney to finish fast because only a few players left.

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Re: Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

Postby makmak » Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:05 am

KGB wrote:OK I vote for:

1st Group Phase: Four Lords Original
2nd Group Phase: Abandoned Kingdom
3rd Group Phase: Michuaquan
Semi Final: Central Sahara
Final: River Crossing

My reasoning is you want larger maps in early rounds when there are lots of players. Save the smaller maps till the final 2 rounds when there are only 4 players left and you want the tourney to finish fast because only a few players left.


I think Igor had suggested exactly the opposite, larger maps in the end and small in the beginning.
Big maps when many players results some games will delay for sure ...
If we have big maps in start and we need a playoff many players wait longer...
The total tournament duration expands when starting with big maps.
Personally, I like your map selection, but I would prefer the opposite order.

My proposal:
1st Group Phase: River Crossing
2nd Group Phase: Central Sahara
3rd Group Phase: Michuaquan
Semi Final: Abandoned Kingdom
Final: Four Lords Original
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Re: Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

Postby Igor » Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:51 pm

From these 6 maps my preferences are: all excluding HM which looks too simple and little where one fight can decide all.
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Re: Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

Postby Igor » Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:06 pm

What about what a map for what a stage, this may depend on what is the target.
If to make the first stages and all the tournament faster, then from little one to big one. If to let the 1st stage to be most drammatic, then let players to play longer here because part of them will be taken out after this.
If to make a mistake or to get bad dice on a small map in 1st stage, there will be possible to win other games and to go farther in the tournament. If to leave the least map for the final round where only one game, bad dice can decide much more than this could be in the 1st stage on the same map.
I would offer from little one to big one. But if this will be another way I don't mind as well.
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Re: Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

Postby Igor » Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:45 pm

I think Four Lords (original version, by KGB) is good map for the final. Central Sahara is better of course :) but too little for this stage.
Let's choose something to start this one. Makmak, your choice :)
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Re: Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

Postby makmak » Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:59 pm


In order to eventually go to the admins with a concrete proposal and not discuss for ages, having read all input, unless someone objects, I go to admins with the following proposal:

Tournament name : 2018 Duel Tour
Max players: 32
1 Vs 1 - Separate turns - 2 days

Tournament type:
Group stages up to semi finals - Double elimination in semifinals and Final

1st Group Phase: River Crossing
2nd Group Phase: Central Sahara
3rd Group Phase: Michuaquan
Semi Final: Abandoned Kingdom
Final: Four Lords Original

Please object or bless me by Saturday midnight
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Re: Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

Postby Igor » Fri Mar 30, 2018 5:43 pm

Should correct my post.

8 rounds with double elimination. Let's count:
1) group stage for 32
2) group stage for 16
3) group stage for 8
4) Semifinals
5) Final duel and the final duel for losers in semifinals (pretendents)
6) Game between one who just lost in the Final due and one who just won in duel of pretendents (the winner of the Final duel is waiting for the winner of this game)
7) 1st Final game: the winner of Final duel vs the winner of duel from point 6
8) Only if the winner of Final duel (point 5) has lost in 1st Final game (point 7): 2nd Final game with the same participants as in point 7.
Have I wrote all correctly this time?

If so, with 2 days turn time this will be not 4-6 months as this would be better, and even not 6-7, but about 8 months. Thus if start 1-st of May this should be ended at the last days of the year.
Hoh, I can't agree this...
Need to make single elimination, which bring only 5 rounds: 3 group rounds, semifinal and the final.
Last two stages don't need double elimination, they should be sharp ones, to the sudden death.

1.5 turn time also could be more preferented, with 6-8 aways at start (site admins can set this). Would be good to get the tournament not boring.
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Re: Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

Postby makmak » Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:23 pm

Igor wrote:Should correct my post.

8 rounds with double elimination. Let's count:
Have I wrote all correctly this time?

I think you didn't write it correctly :?
Double elimination was affecting only semifinals and final

But I have no problem to make semifinals and final single elimination and duration 1.5 days
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Re: Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

Postby KGB » Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:55 pm

If you instead grouped the 32 players into 8 brackets of 4 players then you could do away with double elimination (you play 3 games in your bracket simultaneously against the other 3 players). That guarantees each player 3 games in the tourney (you can even use 3 maps in this round with each player playing 1 game on each map. I did this in a prior tourney a couple years ago).

Top player in each bracket moves on. Then you don't need stage 2 (16 players) and can instead move right to stage 3 (8 players). Those 8 could again play in 2 brackets of 4 with the top 2 players going to the final.

This also has the added benefit of finishing the tourney faster because of the simultaneous games and the avoidance of double elimination.

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Re: Tour 2018 - Interest declaration - vote on maps and type

Postby Igor » Sat Mar 31, 2018 5:20 am

If to jump over a stage of 16 players, then only the winner of each group in stage of 32 players can go farther in the tournament. This means if somebody loses a game he has no chance.If to use stage with 16 players, then 2 best players can go farther from each group with 32 players, that means you can lose a game but go farther anyway if to win other games. This is the same as double elimination which is not necessarry on group stage.
Also I think that second chance should be only on early stages, in group rounds, and if the best 4 play in play-off, this should be sharp games without reloading in the tournament, this makes play-off more interesting.
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