piranha wrote:Before the Crimea invasion
It was not "invasion". Crimeans went back to their country. People voted for freedom from Kiev nazi's regime.
Most part of Crimea population is not Ukrainian.
As you could see Russians are 60% and Ukrainians are 24%. Other nationalities are 16%.
But also most of Ukrainians voted for freadom too.
You could go to Crimea and speak with local habitans to know truth.
So it was a right and lecal democratic procedure when most of Crimean Respublic that had a special status in Ukraine with the right of going out from Ukraine that was written in the constitution of Crimea and Ukraine. It was fully legal way to go out. People of Crimea was happy to go out from Ukraine. All 23 years all Kiev governments took money from the region and did not make investment into the region economics at all.
Russian army was placed in Crimea legally. After the "right sector" took weapon and went to Crimea border to kill Crimean people, local militians and russian soldiers together stopped them to save life of people. And Crimeans was saved from this danger that we could see now in Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Many many civil non combotant people was killed with Kiev supported nazis. I think all men who say "Russian invasion in Crimea" must think about it, maybe supporting Kiev nazi they support murder.
You say Putin is a lier. So go here and speak with people look at this danger here in the part of Ukraine populated with Russians. It is real genocide of russian people that Kiev makes now. They do not think our men are their people, their citizens, and so it is possible to kill us. Thus the only way to save our lifes is to go out from Ukraine ASAP.