New heroses

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New heroses

Postby szymraszyn » Sun Jul 28, 2019 9:04 am

Here you could post ideas of new heroses. This one is mine:
Name armourer
Strenght 30, 5s/5p, up to 55
Move 12, 1m/5p, up to 16
View 4, 1v/5p, up to 7
Hp 3, 1hp/10p
Hp leadership 0, 1hpl/30p, up tp 1 ( he adds 1 heart to every unit in stuck)
Defence leadership 6, 4dl/15p, up to 18.
Abilities: everything like assasin
Posts: 87
Joined: Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:31 pm

Re: New heroses

Postby Chazar » Sat Aug 10, 2019 11:39 am

Well, the game contains a picture for another hero called "necromancer" which was never implemented. I doubt the devs still have the time to add this hero. They had announced a full rework of hero skills and level system, shortly before the updates ceased. I would be interested to learn what they had in mind. Anyone any more details?

As for the suggested Armourer:
  • Defence Leadership is missing from the game for a good reason: to encourage a more aggressive and active gameplay. Such an ability could cause games to stall for a while.
  • Adding another hitpoint appears extremely powerful to me. Not sure this could be made to work.

So let me suggest the opposite:
Reduces the hitpoints of every unit in his own stack by one (minimum 1) but adds proper strength (not leadership, i.e. cannot be countered by an archon) . This could encourage a risky gameplay style, where you burn through lots of cheap units, but it is risky since you need the hero to survive each battle (so maybe the necromancer gets 1/4 of the stolen hitpoints for himself). From the gameplay, it would be similar to the assassin, but instead of warding it can be countered by high strength units.
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Re: New heroses

Postby smursh » Sat Aug 10, 2019 3:28 pm

The other issue with defense leadership is you have to get attacked and survive the attack. Since most players will sacrifice a low value unit to see what you have and only attack if they have a good chance to win this hero becomes hard to level. The extra hits for other units could help on offense but you need to be lvl-4 minimum to be able to buy it so won't help unless you get a high level offer late in the game.
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Re: New heroses

Postby Negern » Sun Aug 11, 2019 11:06 pm

Chazar wrote:Well, the game contains a picture for another hero called "necromancer" which was never implemented. I doubt the devs still have the time to add this hero. They had announced a full rework of hero skills and level system, shortly before the updates ceased. I would be interested to learn what they had in mind. Anyone any more details?

As for the suggested Armourer:
  • Defence Leadership is missing from the game for a good reason: to encourage a more aggressive and active gameplay. Such an ability could cause games to stall for a while.
  • Adding another hitpoint appears extremely powerful to me. Not sure this could be made to work.

So let me suggest the opposite:
Reduces the hitpoints of every unit in his own stack by one (minimum 1) but adds proper strength (not leadership, i.e. cannot be countered by an archon) . This could encourage a risky gameplay style, where you burn through lots of cheap units, but it is risky since you need the hero to survive each battle (so maybe the necromancer gets 1/4 of the stolen hitpoints for himself). From the gameplay, it would be similar to the assassin, but instead of warding it can be countered by high strength units.

I think it would be fun with a necromancer that each turn spawns a unit. The strength of the unit could vary with the level of necromancy. Level 1 would be skeleton from ruins, level 2 ghoul from ruins, up until level 4 vampires. Would need a bit of tweaking i guess but if it could be made balanced i think it could be fun. I think it wouldn't be good on large maps where in the end everyone has dragons etc, but good on medium size or small maps.

But what has happened? There are no more updates etc now?
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Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:57 pm

Re: New heroses

Postby szymraszyn » Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:12 am

Oh, I forgot to tell max hp of armourer. It should be 6. And I think hp leadership won't be as good as you think for 2 reasons.
1 he needs 30p, and some players could be not patient enought and won't wait for it (or they will have to increase his defence leadership or strenght or hipoints because large army will be trying to kill him early)!
2 he can have even 10 hp and assasin will be able to kill him with ambush.
Posts: 87
Joined: Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:31 pm

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