Thanks for the feedback KGB!
Sorceress dominates almost every map doesnt she?
She hasn't been that dominant in the test games we've had so far. She is of course strong as usual if you chose to fight along the coast, but there is a lot to gain by expanding towards the center of the map, where there is less waterways and the fighting is on other terrain types.
Regarding ruins, i'd rather not add guardians. There are only 4 L3 ruins in the center and one per starting area. A few others scattered around the map. I'd rather reduce the amount of L2's in that case. But on the other hand, quite a few of them are rather accessible and can be searched by paladins/rangers/DKs on their way.
I really had sorceress impact reduction in mind when i placed ruins, we shall see if it works.
I think you just missed that there are 2 snowy paths from the L3 ruin you mentioned.