The statistics page lists Vortex as the 10th most used map (and I believe it has seen a recent rise of popularity). This may in part be due to what I think is a quite limited set of early, viable tactics (much like the even more popular and similarly designed Airstream that also uses lava to control unit movement), which makes the first part of the game fairly predictable.
The uninterupted lava walls points to the sorceress with her Divine movement +1 starting bonus as the natural first hero. I have also read about people getting 2 or even 3 subsequent sorceresses to maximize ruin searching, and I have tried this on 1 vs 1 games with best success from using two sorceresses going opposite directions. Lately I have specifically had my first sorceress focus on speed and UL to allow fast access to level 2 ruins, while having my second sorceress instead gaining strength, ethereal spell and plunder ability and only searching fringe level 1 ruins while mainly trying to conquer (or raze when enemies are close) cities in as many spirals as possible. Meeting few or no sages, or starting in a spiral with long distances between buildings, can effectively impede your progress. Leaving your starting spiral as soon as possible leaves more ruins for your other heroes to benefit from, and even they can in turn be trained in Divine movement to access yet other spirals for further expansion and punishment of unpreparied enemies.
Later on, especially in games with many players, the sorceress looses her dominace to other, more combat focused heroes, but she can still be used to harass weakly defended cities, scout enemy lands, launch elemental attacks over the lava and transport large groups of units over the rivers for immediate attacks (instead of having to wait 1 turn due to converting to and from boats).
Many other tactical intricacies can of course be covered, but this at least is my current point of view, but how about yours? Please share your thoughts on how to best dominate on Vortex! How did you play before introduction of the sorceress (and is it possible to use the same tactics today?). Is she over powered and what abilities should in that case be decreased? How should we best use the other heroes, and what units (and combinations) are the best?
Best regards