World of Midgard [22.0] is submitted for review.

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World of Midgard [22.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Tim » Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:12 am

New map: World of Midgard [22.0] by Tim.
Map editor link: World of Midgard [22.0]

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Re: World of Midgard [22.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Tim » Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:14 am

Some small Changes and a Hello to All. Im Back from the Dead. ;)

New to 22.0:
- Some Design fixes
- The south of Red Player -City of Bithur- is now less vulnerable to Seacreatures

V.21 - Skipped

New to 20.0
- Moved a Port West of Geltin from South to North
- Replaced the Brifge at Khairat with a Ford
- Moved the Port at Nagpur a little South
- Connect the Isle with the City of Zyo in the SW with the the Coast via Ford
- Added a Ressource Bulding in the SW west of Corinth
- Moved Signpost with Version News in the far Southeast

New to 19.0

- Moved Black Capital back
- Moved Port at Dogon in the SW North
- Added Roads at Black Capital
- Extra Defenders in Capitals replaced

New to 18.0

-Added Roads in the SW Isles
-Connect Ponapu with the UL-Temple
-Extra Defenders now no more in the NW Corner of the City
-Geltin is now a Good City
-Marshes around Langollen
-A Sign North of Valian near the L2Ruin with changes to new Version on it
-Some Mountain-Terrain Northwest of Corint
Posts: 484
Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:25 pm

Re: World of Midgard [22.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Tim » Wed May 05, 2021 1:41 pm

Hello Guys, im starting a completely Full Overhaul of my Epic Midgard Map. So please ask for changes if you have some things to say. This is what i do at the Moment.

New to 23.0 - Working Title: New Tactics, New Fun
- Placed the Units over Balins Protector at Ugolgorod
- Placed a Port at the Isle with the L1 Ruin near Madura
- Placed Neutral Orcs at L2 and L3 Ruins
- Full Rearrangement of the Terrains-Regions, including new Balacing to the Starting Spots
Posts: 484
Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:25 pm

Re: World of Midgard [22.0] is submitted for review.

Postby somenpotatis » Thu May 20, 2021 11:15 am

I don't know if it's just me, but I always have a harder time starting from the southern most starting spots (black and red). I haven't analyzed why really, but at least for black/southwest you have a lot of terrrain to traverse. The "easiest" to me seems to be north-east, probably beacuse you most often are left alone for quite some time.

Over all great map, easily my favorite!

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Re: World of Midgard [22.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Tim » Wed May 26, 2021 7:16 pm

Thanks for your kind words. Yes youre right. I try to give the whole Terrain a overhaul. I think in the South is the most to do but i try to give the whole Map more Flavor. It shall be looking really Epic.:)
Posts: 484
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Re: World of Midgard [22.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:13 am

How much are you going to change / thinking of changing?

I agree with Somenpotatis that the Red/Black start spots seem to be very hard to play from. When I take a closer look at the map in the editor, I see there is 116 cities. If you divide by 8 that's roughly 14.5 per side.

Now take a look at Black. If he gets all cities south of desert + islands to the left and island in the middle (between him and Red) that makes 14. Now compared to Yellow. If he gets all the Desert and above that's 13 with potential for 4 more on the island to the west and his cities are much more compact (close together) with much easier terrain (desert which you can move for 2 on with a scout). So it's VERY hard for Black to compete with Yellow city wise esp since Red will compete for the 2 island cities.

Now take a look at Red. If Black gets the 2 island cities then for him to get to 14 he needs all south of the Desert above him AND all 5 to the right under Orange (ie KuKorahr to Darkanghit). So he has to beat Orange and White and/or beat Black to the 2 island cities.

So it's very hard for both those sides. I think Red needs at least 1 more city near his start area in the Forest, maybe on/by the coast directly East of his capital. To keep the 116 city count and even up start areas I would remove 1 from the Desert to the right of Yellow (maybe Nedschef) so he has fewer cities since he already has much more than Black.

To also help Black/slow Yellow I would move Corinth diagonally S/W 1-2 squares so it's deeper in the hills/swamp/forest. It's too easy for Yellow to win that race across the desert and only have 1 hill move to take Corinth. Especially since Black has to deal with 3 terrain types (hill, forest, swamp) and Yellow only has Desert. I'd also suggest extending the river directly south of Yellow Capital by 3-4 squares to the NorthEast and extend the hills by the capital by 1 so that for Yellow to move to the right they must cross hills OR go south over the bridge / port on the river. This encourages Yellow to move to the West instead of racing East to easily beat Black to everything.

I would also remove the 3 Dwarf defenders that guard the towers that prevent White/Orange from getting to that middle area. It's too much defenders and no other spot on the map has this. At most 1 defender if you must have some. But the idea is to get White and Orange into that area so they can fight (this indirectly helps Red). You should also think about moving the White capital maybe up to Schirkand. This puts him slightly further from Red and also close to Teal (esp if you put a 3rd city in the Forest (by Wargast/Geltin). If you do move the Capital up there then you may want to move the tower where the Dwarfs are above the Waterfall.

You may want to make sure all the sides have reasonable access to their 14 or so cities (whatever you decide their empire roughly consists of) since that's about how many each side should be able to end up with.

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Re: World of Midgard [22.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Tim » Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:11 am

Thanks for this great Feedback KGB. I have done many things before but tried to put some Things you said in my upgrading map. Its completely overhauled and i hope you like it. You can see it now in this Section. Please give me Feedback on it. :)
Posts: 484
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