I already suggested in another thread using the proposed Warlords 5 system where players select their hero types as part of their level up process and so could customize based on need.
L1 - Generic hero. Comes with standard stats of 5 strength, 2 hits, 14 moves.
L2 - Select profession. (Warrior/Mage/Rogue/Priest). Based on selection standard stats alter to fit the chosen profession (Warriors get more strength, Mages less, Rogues more move etc). Some spells and class specific skills become available.
L3 - Select Specialization (Warriors: Warrior, Paladin, General, Ranger Mages: Wizard, Alchemist, Summoner, Necromancer Priests:Priest, Druid, Shaman, Monk Rogue:Thief, Bard, Barbarian, Vampire). More spells become available, certain abilities etc become available, more changes to the base stats. Costs of abilities starts to vary based on profession.
This way players are role playing their hero and selecting what they want based on game need. Ability/skills/spells costs and restrictions are based on profession and later specialization.
You still won't get Conan using spells but at least now you get to decide if you want Conan or not at game time based on need rather than when a new hero arrives.
LPhillips wrote:Isn't one more Rogue/Warrior/Mage/Paladin cookie cutter hero system going to rub anyone a little raw considering the lineage of this game?
Not sure what you mean by this statement in terms of lineage of the game. DLR had fully specialized heroes based on the AD&D (really any fantasy I've read) model. Since Warbarons is a hybrid of War2/DLR it makes sense to continue down what was a successful path.