Even though it hasnt been that many updates lately, we have quietly been working pretty hard for beta2 to meet our own deadline. Unfortunately it seems we wont make it to the end of May, as we want to press in as many updates as possible

We are almost done though, and are aiming to open the system for bet2-rounds end of next week.
List of new features in beta2:
# Internal community mailsystem
# Improved gamelobby layout (including new advanced tab)
# Gamelobby new settings: Produce allies, Dice (20 or 24), Starting armyset
# Possibility to password protect hosted game
# City defence is controlled by a new citywall level value. (Which can be upgraded independently)
# Hero from start, get to choose between 3 diffrent hero-types (identical stats though)
# Hero leveling through XP
# New hero offers (increased chance to get a new hero if your first hero dies during the first turns)
# Window queue system (i.e. events are waiting to happen until you close opened window)
# Minimap includes hills and mountains
# New beta-test map, bigger and more well-made (last map was built in ~1 hour

# Startunits for the players are in categories (standard and good)
# Cityincome changed. Standard cities have 15-25 in income, capitals have 60
# Better error messages (including out of sync message)
# More tutorial messages added
# Battle report shortkey is flashing if you have been attacked since your last turn
# Chat shortkey is flashing if you have unread messages
# Chat improved
# Battlesystem updated, critical strike added, as well as new anti flyer bonus and new cancel terrain bonus
# Unit statistics updated for balancing.
# Fightorder added (possibility to set your own customized fightorder that is)
# Battle-popup layout modified to account for battles with large armies
# Bug with adding/removing units to the group when the army is outside the mainmap is fixed
# Bug not allowing you to move through your own armies if the total number of armies was more than 8 is fixed
# Archer unit changed to Elf unit
# New Battering Ram unit added
# Fights happening at water is fixed to take boat strenght into account (as well as special rules for bonuses for boats)
# Grouping functionality error fixed (when moving/grouping several units of the same type the grouping could get out of sync)
# Changed sensitivity for mainmap-dragging. Sometimes when you click on the map it didnt count as a click but rather dragged the map very little
# No cities have the same name from start