Two map voting bugs

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Two map voting bugs

Postby LPhillips » Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:06 am

Bug one
If you refresh the browser after voting on a map, you can hit "Resend" and vote again. I just voted No 6 times on Unclaimed Lands as an example.

Bug two
Also, I can't submit comments on that map because the button to Send the comments is off the bottom of my browser in Firefox.

So I'd like to state right here that I've played that map, and it is drastically unbalanced. Base units of 4 and 2 are simply not equal. There are also terrain issues, such as the delay caused by hills and swamps (allowing players the possibility of catching enemies between cities) and the complete lack of similar local advantage for the desert player. It needs to be carefully reworked to balance out these inherent differences in terrain-themed kingdoms. I hope someone can add those comments on my behalf.
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