Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

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Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

Postby KGB » Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:42 am

I set a move path on to a temple to bless. When I clicked the move button I got an out of sync error.

When the browser refreshed my unit was standing on the bless site but wasn't blessed. I had to move off and back on again. Not a huge deal except it cost me 4 extra moves (and 1 extra turn to complete the bless). I expect searching ruins suffers the same out of sync problem.

Also I believe that if you set a move path that crosses over a bless site/ruin that you don't get the effects as the units move over the site (Seen this once, going from memory).

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Re: Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

Postby jiipee » Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:25 pm

same thing happened to me several times
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Re: Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:29 pm

Ok we know the bless will not work unless the client moves the unit there. We might have to add a button for Beta4 :-)

Anyway, do you see any logic in when you get your out of syncs? If it is happening a lot when moving to temples etc?
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Re: Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

Postby KGB » Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:11 am


No logic to the out of sync. In fact I don't get many of them at all. I play on average 5-10 turns a day in various games (both at home and work) and I doubt I get more than 1-2 out of sync errors.

Those I get I attribute to the internet being busy when trying to receive a reply from the server or my browser processing speed. I say that because in every case, the unit ends up at it's final destination as expected so the Server has processed the move correctly on its end so it has to be on the browser end.

I mostly use Firefox which you know isn't the fastest. Sometimes on my home machine if I am playing turns in a big game (lots of units to move) or turns in multiple games Firefox seems to get into some kind of problem processing the javascript because all of a sudden it will start consuming 10-20% of my CPU constantly even though I am not moving units or doing anything. I have to kill and restart the browser to fix the problem because once this happens moving units becomes slower and slower until it's painful. My guess is the out of sync errors are somehow related to this slowdown problem as it may cause the Browser to not respond to the server in time or miss an expected response.

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Re: Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

Postby KGB » Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:59 pm

A late note on this one. I figured it out after a bunch more games.

When your hero arrives on a ruin/temple with 1 or 0 moves left you don't get the reward. It seems the stack deselection logic runs before the bless/ruin search logic. :)

I mention this because with the new stack deselection logic in Beta4 you'll have to make sure it's the *last* thing that gets done upon entry to a new square (combat, unfogging, ruin searching, blessing etc).

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Re: Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

Postby zorro » Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:35 am

I guess you are already aware of ruins not giving rewards if there was a unit guarding it - have to move away from it and back on the ruin again to get the reward after the guard was killed...
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Re: Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:23 am

Yes currently it works like:
1. If there is any enemy unit standing on ruin or temple, it will not be searched/blessed as there will be a war instead. So you then need to move off and move back on to get the "reward".

2. If moving to a temple (and I think also a ruin), the unit will not be de-selected even if move-points remaining is 0 or 1. Are you sure your unit has been de-selected in this case KGB, as it is not supposed to be?
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Re: Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

Postby KGB » Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:12 pm


The cases that are all happening to me are ones where there are guardians on ruins/temples.

My hero will have something like 6 or 7 move points. I attack the guardian and win. I'm down to 4 or 5 points. I move off the temple/ruin and am down to 2 or 3 points. I move back on and am down to 0 or 1 points. The deselection of the stack automatically happens at this point (or whatever happens emulates stack deselection because that stack is no longer selected). I don't get the reward/blessing and have to do it again next turn.

The total cost in moves now ends up being 10 (2-attack, 2-move off, 2-move on with no bless/reward, 2-move off next turn, 2-move on get bless/reward).

As long as I have more than 2 moves remaining when I come back on the temple/ruin I don't seem to have the problem. It's exceptionally frustrating because it costs so many points so the search/bless button to be added in Beta4 is probably as important as any game feature you are going to add.

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Re: Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

Postby LPhillips » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:15 am

Hey KGB, I'm suffering from the same problems and I have some workarounds for you:

1) After conquering a ruin/temple, plot an impossible move path and attempt to complete it. This is often possible because so many ruins are placed against mountain ranges or other difficult terrain. The game will attempt to complete the move, re-input your destination when it fails, and give you your reward.

If that is impossible,
2) Refresh your browser before moving back onto a ruin or temple after a battle, and it will fix the deselection/noreward problem every time.

I'm using both of these workarounds right now with Firefox. As far as the Out-of-Sync Error, I can confirm that it seems to be browser-side and not client-side. In fact, the button "Click OK to attempt to reestablish connection" works pretty often without requiring a refresh, so things are working pretty well.
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Re: Out of Sync Error causes misses Blessing

Postby KGB » Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:01 pm


Thanks! I'll give these a try next time this comes up.

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