errrr bug

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errrr bug

Postby zorro » Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:50 pm

game id 2297

I have that stack of 7 units. While moving I get an 'out of sync'. The stack moves one square, stops, and the first unit in the stack is out of movement. Happens two times in a row. Funy side effect: A stack of 6 is displayed as a stack of 4.

Didnt make a move after I took the screenie.
scr02-outofsync.jpg (66.09 KiB) Viewed 4278 times
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Re: errrr bug

Postby zorro » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:13 pm

Time is running out, will you fix this?

Since I am under XP on an older lappy I experienced another bug, happened in 3 different games to me. I move a stack but only the first unit moves, rest of the stack is not selectable anymore. Since playing on this laptop is actually a pain, I just surrendered in those games.
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Re: errrr bug

Postby LPhillips » Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:27 pm

This could be related to exactly the same errors I was having. I've experienced the same thing you are describing before.
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Re: errrr bug

Postby SnotlinG » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:21 pm

looks like the grouping had been messed up. I ungrouped and grouped and could then move on - with the real units.
I´ll make a note and investigate this bug, you should be able finish your turn now.
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Re: errrr bug

Postby zorro » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:09 am

I couldnt finish it cos it wasnt my turn anymore.

I try to explain again:

It was a stack of 7 (!) units at full movement (1 sqare left and 1 above where the crow is located). I moved the stack one tile and the crow used up all its movement (dropped from full to zero by moving one tile, crow was the first unit in the stack). The stack still had 6 units but was displayed with a [5]. I deselected the crow and tried to move to the next tile. I could move there but that lead to the elf (again the first in the stack) dropping his movement to 0. After that the stack was still located where the elf now is, it was the elf at 0 movement and 5 other units, now displayed with a [4].
I left the game, didnt finish the move and posted the bug.
After you posted, Snotling, it wasnt my turn anymore, the game passed the turn on.
Now (its not my turn yet) I look into the game and find the crow, the elf and 3 units one tile right and down from the elf. So 2 units are totally missing and there is no stack anymore. That stack originally had enough movement to attack a city to the south. Instead my (reduced) units are now open for slaughter.
Just another game to ditch.

...maybe units in the stack got duped but that must have happened the turn before because I am sure in this turn it was the above described stack (1 crow, 2 elves, 2 spiders, 2 wallies at full movement).
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Re: errrr bug

Postby LPhillips » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:42 am

Thanks again for letting us participate in your beta testing! I'm really enjoying the game. Hopefully all these bugs can be sorted out and dealt with in good time :)
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Re: errrr bug

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:29 pm

I think the issue is caused by the duplicated units. Normally it should not be possible to add the same unit twice to the stack, but I think with a bad connection this might happen. So I need to add some extra check against this.

I think the duplicated units in the stack confused the move-calculator on the server side and thus caused the first unit in the stack to get 0 move left.
If you get the same weird behavior again, the best fix is to use the "ungroup" button when you have your stack selected, and then group it again. That should make sure you only get valid units in your stack. Seems this is quite a rare occurance though.

LPhillips, thanks for the positive feedback. We are working quite hard to get the game running as smoothly as possible for everyone. But then again, we are still in Beta, so some issues along the ride is unfortunately expected.
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