
Beta4 testers


Postby SnotlinG » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:44 pm

Just a small update:

1. Fixed the send resources functionality. It should now work.

2. News popup fixed. It now populates and should be poped up on first entry in the gameturn.

3. The City overview screen: Vectoring should now be working again

4. Added history/news entry for hero-offers (only visible for the player)

5. city unitbuyscreen is now sorted after unit-cost.

6. Finally got around to enabling the xp-info-popup that piranha created a long time ago. It should now be visible after battles involving your heroes, showing xp progress.

7. Some team functionality added also, as showing teammates production in their cities, as well as incoming/outgoing ally vectoring.
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Re: Updates

Postby KGB » Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:05 pm


Nice updates. A couple of bugs to report.

1) When I do a report-history I see
You have lost 0 cities since last turn.
You have lost 10 units since last turn.
You have lost 0 goldsites since last turn.
You have killed 0 enemy units since last turn.
The ruin Cursed Forest is again haunted by evil!

The number of units lost is incorrect. That 10 is probably since game start. I lost 1 unit last turn. The initial news pop-up had the number right (1) but the history view either needs to be corrected or the text should say since 'start of game'

2) I found a movement bug with razed cities. I flew a bat onto a razed city. I got an out-of-sync error (no Javascript errors). When the game refreshed the bat had moved across the razed city but had used no movement. So I moved back, same out of sync, same no movement charge. So it appears right now that moving across razed cities charges 0 moves.

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Re: Updates

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:50 am

Thanks for feedback.

1) The history screen shows previous turn(s) and not the current turn. The first entry you have with this statistics will probably be a bit messed up, as I started gathering statistics for killed units etc for a few turns before I completed the functionality, so just ignore the first entry. All new entries should hopefully make sense though :-)

2) Thanks for spotting. Fixed now, no more free moves :-)
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Re: Updates

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:42 pm

More fixes/updates:

1. Pathfinding in teamgames inside teammates cities was broken. Now fixed.

2. Raze Tower resulting in js error fixed.

3. Bug with diffrent move / movecost attacking into difficult terrain fixed. Example Bat with move 2 grouped with landunit with group 3 attacking into enemy unit standing on Ice terrain

4. viewradius bug halting units on top of each other (could be more than 8 units in the group) when spotting enemy units fixed.

5. out of sync error when attacking a fogged tile of a city that was partially in FOW fixed

6. Changed so Auto-stop of moving units will not be triggered when re-discovering units (Neutrals) you already have spotted in the fog earlier.

7. Work in progress on diplomacy functionality for the teamgames.
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Re: Updates

Postby KGB » Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:47 pm


This turn the 'News' said I had lost 1 unit since last turn. However I was not attacked and thus I didn't lose any units last turn. I thought History showed all turns and News would only show the last turn? I wonder if you are counting the full turn from player 1-player 6 as the turn instead of player 5-6, 1-3 since I am player 4. So attacks I've already seen are being counted as new news?

Also the 'News' says a hero (not mine) named Sauron reached Level 2. However in the History report I don't see that at all. I know the History is typically 1 turn behind but that's confusing when the News says one thing and the History another.

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Re: Updates

Postby SnotlinG » Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:51 pm

Yea I know. Im still working a bot on the News page. Trying to decide what makes sense to have there and not.

I have changed it recently to only count the kills/lost units/cities etc that happens _after_ your turn and before your next turn. I think this is the info that makes most sense.

Regarding other players heroes and such, not sure if that just confuses or if it is good info... Probably should make those News work the same way, i.e. show all history entries since the end of your last turn...
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Re: Updates

Postby SnotlinG » Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:40 pm

Current idea is to put events into 3 "types".
First type is the news type. Events that are of the type news will be shown in the News-popup. This is items like reports of lost units/cities since last turn. These will not be shown in the history-popup anymore, to keep the history clear.

Second type is the event type. This is things that will be reported in both the News-popupand the history-popup. For example a repopulated ruin will be classed as an event. Also NAP expire/countdown information will be classed as an event, so you can track it in both news and history page.

Third type is the history type. This type will only be reported in the history-popup and never in the news-popup. Here goes all hero-related events (except the new hero offer info that is in the News popup.). This so you cannot see if a players Hero has died in combat until the next turn.
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