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Postby SnotlinG » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:51 am

Yesterday we had a workshop for Beta5. Planning and starting the work.
Hopefully it should be a much smaller project than Beta4 was :-)
Major areas targeted in Beta5 is:
- Optimization of code, images & files to speed up gameload and make the game flow smother.
- Tutorials
- Scenariomode
- Restructure of the database model

We have also made some minor fixes/updates to current Beta4:
- teleporting speed increased from 20 to 25 tiles per turn.
- rebuild of city cost has been lowered a bit, and is dependent on the city´s income.
- ruins have been made slightly easier.
- startingvalue of undeadlore has been increased for Valkyrie and DreadKnight.
- Fixed a graphical bug with the bottom borders of buildings
- Fixed a graphical bug with teleporting, when showing all teleporting.
- Fixed a bug that stopped all in the team from getting the newturn email
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Re: Workshop

Postby Jeremy » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:27 pm

How to you rebuild a city? Can you rebuild a razed city? One that you didn't orginally own, or only one you owned?
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Re: Workshop

Postby piranha » Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:37 pm

You walk a unit there and choose orders -> rebuild city. Cost is 500 + city income * 5.
You can rebuild any city and it will be yours.
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Re: Workshop

Postby KGB » Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:17 am

How is the raze cost calculated?

I've looked at it a couple of times and the amount varies so there is some formula. I was forced to raze a city tonite in a game that cost 850 gold! That's a serious amount to raze a city given the rebuild costs is only 500 + income*5. The raze cost should be half the rebuild cost as otherwise you literally will never see it used and you might as well remove it entirely.

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Re: Workshop

Postby SnotlinG » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:24 am

The raze cost is 500 gold + 25% of the possible unit production in that city.
So an empty city costs 500 to raze.
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Re: Workshop

Postby KGB » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:34 pm

Ouch. That cost is a bit much especially adding in the cost of the units being produced there. It's just one more reason to pillage out every city on the map so that if you later have to raze the cost is reduced.

Just a fixed 300-400 would be expensive enough that it wouldn't get done much.

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Re: Workshop

Postby magian » Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:31 pm

I'm I misunderstanding this? Does razing a city cost gold, or are you talking about rebuilding?
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Re: Workshop

Postby KGB » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:23 pm


Razing costs gold. Not something DLR players are used to but War2 players are afraid it's too good to be able to self raze (which its not).

I'm OK with it costing some gold but it should cost less than 1/2 as much as rebuilding a city. Otherwise it's a pointless option to have in the game.

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Re: Workshop

Postby KGB » Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:06 am

I wanted to ask about lowering the self-raze cost again.

In another game the cost was over 1000 gold to self raze. A bit crazy if you ask me.

After playing a few more games and monitoring my gold on hand, 200-300 tops is plenty of gold cost to self-raze since many times you barely have that much gold on hand in larger MP games when cities and resources are scarce.

Any chance the cost can be lowered in the next balance update? The DLR cost was 0 to self-raze and it didn't detract from game play in the least since you could rebuild just as you can now in Beta4.

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