Something is wrong with the production times of Dragons.
In game 1V1Smash (3798) it's turn 11 and I am about to produce my 2nd Dragon next turn! This despite the fact I didn't produce my first one until about 2 turns ago and I didn't capture the city (Insoldomus) that I am using to make the Dragons until at least turn 6 since I had to build 4 Elves to take out a Gryffon that was originally in the city.
I am wondering if the pillage Gryffon/build Dragon caused the turn counter to be set to 3 (Gryffon time) even though it should be set to 5 since I should barely have my 1st one now and yet I have my second. Note, this map features 'set production' which may be the cause of the bug.
I have not ended my turn so that you can take a look at this game.
This might explain what happened in the LOTR game where I was attacked by a Dragon on turn 8 which ironically also features 'set production'