Movement path Calculation Error - BETA3/BETA4

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Movement path Calculation Error - BETA3/BETA4

Postby KGB » Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:06 pm

There is still a bug in a movement path calculation that involves water and land.

On the Riverwar map I had a stack in water in the upper left corner of the map right next to the anchor to the left of the Cocytus. I captured the city so I wanted to move the stack around the top of the Riverworld to attack a city on the far right of the map. So I clicked on the top left anchor on the 3rd island (going left-to-right). Then I clicked the move unit button before I looked carefully at the whole movement path.

Instead of taking me up and around the top of the map the movement path calculator took me ashore and wants me to cross the city of Cocytus! This despite the fact that going ashore used up all my moves and the fact I have no forest bonus units and I'll have to re-enter the water on the far side of the island. So instead of getting there in 3-4 turns it's now going to take me 5-6 turns because I have to re-enter the water and then manually move a few squares before using the movement path calculator.

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Re: Movement path Calculation Error

Postby SnotlinG » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:43 pm

The pathcalculator is not complete, I have some ideas of improvments still to do. But this kind of calculations are quite heavy to run as javascript unfortunately :-( Currently I have set a 2 seconds timeout timer when running the calculate function, after this it will return the best path it had time to calculate.

So bottomline is that if you click a long path you should probably for now verify the path, especially if it is including water.
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Re: Movement path Calculation Error

Postby Pretion » Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:36 pm

good to know. i was getting ready to heavily test the movement paths
Posts: 36
Joined: Tue May 11, 2010 5:07 pm

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