Mapping tools

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Mapping tools

Postby LichKing » Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:47 pm

I'm not much into mapmaking, but for those who are interested I found a couple of useful things:

1. TurboTop: a small program to make a window always stay on the foreground (useful if you have a hand-drawn map or a model you want to copy)

2. an AutoHotKey script to change the transparency of a window (it needs AutoHotKey, or you can decide to trust the executable, it works also on Vista)

Here's an example of a map I was making (drawing at the left, current minimap in the middle, on the right it's how you see them on the screen with TurboTop and semi-transparent window). So it's much easier to make an exact copy of a map. It should make also easier the work for those who want to replicate Warlords 2/DLR maps :). I used IrfanView as image viewer.

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Re: Mapping tools

Postby KGB » Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:36 pm



I have a question though. How did you get the mini-map where it is on your screen? On mine it's always in the upper right corner and can't detach and move around from the map like you seem to have done.

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Re: Mapping tools

Postby LichKing » Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:13 pm

first two 'minimaps' aren't part of the window, it's a copy and past on the screenshot. The third is part of the actual screenshot. They're there to show what belongs to the semitransparent window and what to the actual minimap. It works a bit like with tracing paper, you see both :)
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