
Anything related to creating maps goes here


Postby KGB » Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:02 pm

For Strach,

I included in my screen shot an amusing sign :-)

Note that this map needs some balance work. Most of the cities are clustered around one or two players which is going to ruin it for MP. Also the whole eastern water passage is sort of wasted. Would be nice to have 1 city in the middle of it.

Also that island I highlighted has a ruin(s) on it. Hidden right now because if you remember there are always some hidden ruins in each game that you can't see.

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Re: Hadesha

Postby strach » Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:17 pm

dont get what you mean by saying there are always hidden ruins.
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Re: Hadesha

Postby KGB » Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:19 pm


I mean there are more ruins on the map that what is shown.

If you remember War2, you'll remember there are ruins that only get revealed by completing quests or visiting sages. So those aren't shown on the map. Each time you play the map the game randomly selected 5-6 ruins to 'hide' and fill with the best allies/items/gold. So there are more ruins than what is shown on this map.

That island in the upper left where I have centered the map for example has a ruin on it. You can't see it because it's hidden. But if you were to play the map again the next time it might not be hidden and another ruin might be hidden instead.

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Re: Hadesha

Postby Moonknight » Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:43 am

Man, this brings back memories! Is there a way to download the old War2 game anywhere?
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Re: Hadesha

Postby KGB » Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:06 pm


Yup. I have it at Warlorders.com

It's the original + scenario builder which is basically everything Deluxe was minus unit changes (like 2 turn Gryphons/Pegasi, Unicorn with -2 stack etc).

I can't host Deluxe because Steve told me it was still technically sold but the original isn't so he was fine with that being hosted.

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Re: Hadesha

Postby Moonknight » Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:11 pm

Thanks KGB! I downloaded the two game files, what do I do with them now though?
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Re: Hadesha

Postby KGB » Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:35 pm



Assuming you've unzipped the archives someplace you need Doxbox: http://www.dosbox.com/download.php?main=1

I assume you'll be running under Windows (the top link) but maybe not. Then install Dosbox (can't remember if it actually installs or simply just unzips into it's own folder).

Then you run the Dosbox program. The hardest part is then mounting your War2 directory.

Assuming you saved the War2 folder in something like C:\Program Files\War2, then in DOS box you'd enter

mount C C:\Program Files\War2

This tells Dosbox that you want the War2 folder to emulate the C drive under Dos.

Then type 'C:' to change to the War2 folder. Then 'War2' (or is it Warlords2, I always forget) to run the game.

CTRL F11 and CTRL F12 speed/down up the CPU being emulated. I'd suggest 15000 or more so the game doesn't run too slowly. There are other settings for sound emulation but lets see if you get it all working to this point first.

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Re: Hadesha

Postby kenc80 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:22 pm

KGB you are showing W2D being available to download. Is that not the Deluxe version?
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Re: Hadesha

Postby kenc80 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:32 pm

moon...my dos box didnt like the space in "Program Files" so I created a war2 folder so my mount was mount c c:\war2\warlords2
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Re: Hadesha

Postby KGB » Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:03 pm


Glad you got it working (Similar to you, I installed mine in E:\War2). Did the sound work correctly right away or did you have to fiddle with it?

I don't think what I have there is War2D. I believe it's the base War2 game, not the CD version which was Deluxe.

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