One small surprise we have developed to be launched together with beta5 is a simple AI.
The AI is not very good though, as we can´t spend too much time on it, and also it needs to be pretty fast, since it is run by the server and we currently have very limited server resources.
To not crasch the server there is a max number of AIs that is allowed to execute at the same time, and if/when this limit is reached (currently 1), AIs who´s turn it is will be placed in a queue.
So this means that if you are lucky, your AI opponent will make is turn in a few seconds. If you are unlucky, you will be placed last in the queue and have to wait.
Limitations of the AI is that it:
- Ignores ruins
- Ignores items
- Hero never levels
- Never upgrade citywall
Current existing functionality:
- Accepts new hero offers
- diffrent personalities which affects AI gameplay in some way
- Uses vectoring
- Buys new production if occupied city has bad production options
- can play in team with other AIs or Humans (will pretty much just ignore its teammates though)
This is quite exciting , but still a bit of a test, and if we have problems with it during beta5 despite precautions like AI-queue etc we might have to remove it, or limit it in some way.
However the first basic version of the AI has already played a few beta4 games undercover against you guys, so it seems it could work