Out of Sync Errors

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Re: Out of Sync Errors

Postby KGB » Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:55 pm

SnotlinG wrote:Ok, so you had 10 units in 1 square?


I guess there was no flag then?

Correct again. That's what clued me in that something was wrong. If you clicked on the Elemental you'd see the Elemental stack and an 'invisible' second line stack underneath it in the stack menu (where you see all the individual unit stats).

That's why I said it looked funny on the screen and in the stack menu.

On the plus side, maybe this bug can be used to get more than 8 units in a square outside a city for defense purposes :lol:

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Re: Out of Sync Errors

Postby flash » Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:35 am

I have acutally for 3 turns an "out of sync" issue on game Riverlords. Game is almost lost, though this issue is preventing my boat with Hero, Devil, Elemental and 3 Scouts of landing, generating an error every time I want to move on the land.

Here is the log:

18: outofsyncerror called
17: out of sync error. 48_102 matchar inte 47_101
16: verifymove anropat. type=PHP, movecheck ID:1
15: errorcheck OK
14: errorcheckundefined
13: ajax har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 47_101
12: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:1
11: select anropad med 43_99
10: drawpath anropat
9: select anropad med 43_99
8: drawpath anropat
7: Sätter selected=166,14,5,48_102,,2,Hero Amazon,heroamazon,6,167#221#292#265#242,51,green,0,2,2,Hero,Sea,,Hero,7,1,1,51 i = 0
6: select anropad med 48_102
5: popwindowqueue called
4: ajax.saveDB 0,1,1,1,1
wlerror.jpg (173.82 KiB) Viewed 4961 times
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Re: Out of Sync Errors

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:08 am

Hello flash,

Could you post a screen with the path drawn also? And the units in the selectrow in the bottom.
Also have you tried moving close to the anchor first, and then on second move going onto the anchor?
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Re: Out of Sync Errors

Postby flash » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:29 am

I am actually on an anchor (and its not my turn, so i cant make another screenshot right now). Im was trying to move into the land several times - just one square.
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Re: Out of Sync Errors

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:20 am

The problem is that your hero is in "ship-mode", while all the other units in his group are in Land move.
Not sure how it got to be like this, but it could happen dependening how you moved and also if there was a flyer with the hero from the beginning and the flyer then left the group.

To solve it, you need to ungroup, and then all units except the hero can move inlands. The hero needs to move 1 square out to sea, and then re-enter the anchor, which will convert the hero back to a land unit.
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Re: Out of Sync Errors

Postby flash » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:22 am

ok, thanks. I Will try this. Yes, there was a flying unit in the group...

How can I get myself that this bug is currently happening? Will you fix this in future?
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Re: Out of Sync Errors

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:39 am

What most likely happened is this:

1. You had a stack with 1 hero, 1 flying unit and X normal units
2. You move to an Anchor. X normal units gets converted to ships. Hero does not get converted, as he is counted as flying.

3. You move your stack on the sea, top unit is most likely hero icon, not the ship icon, because your hero is still a land unit, only enable to move on the water as he is either in company with the flyer, or in company with the ships. If you left him alone there he would drown at the end of your turn (doesnt happen a lot, but I have added functionality for it :-))

4. Now for some reason the flyer moves away from the stack (or dies in battle or something)

5. Your stack is now containing of a hero (still in land mode, as you can only change sea/land mode on an anchor), and X units in Sea-mode.

6. The stack now moves to an anchor (as it wants to move into land), moving to the anchor converts all land mode units to ships (i.e. the hero, as he is not counted as flying anymore), and all sea-mode units to land (i.e. all your X standard units).

7. This leaves you where you are now, and suddenly you have a ship icon showing on top of your stack instead of the Hero icon.

So what you could have done before moving to the anchor (if you had known the hero was in Land mode still) would be to move your ships to the shore, and then only selecting the hero from the stack he would have been able to disembark onto the land, since he is a landunit, and then the rest of the units could sail to the anchor and convert themselfs.

So this is actually all intended functionality. And I think it opens up a bit more strategy as to how to transport heros and how/where to disembark with them. But I agree that the visual input is a bit bad, as you dont know what unit is in what mode (Land/sea) when selecting the stack out in water. I think we will try to improve that with some extra icon in the select row to beta3.
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Re: Out of Sync Errors

Postby Zajoman » Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:05 am

It may be intended functionality, but sure it's not good funcionality. When my stack at sea consists of 1 hero, 1 flyer and other non flyer units, and then the flyer moves aways, I would assume that the hero gets to the sea mode automatically. He is at sea, there is a ship, but no longer a flyer, so he's a sea captain now. Logical.
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Re: Out of Sync Errors

Postby piranha » Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:34 am

No no he started out as a pasenger on a flyer and then as a passenger on someone else ship. Where is he going to get his ship from in the middle of the ocean? Very logical :mrgreen:

Perhaps it will cause confusion, but its a bit fun that you can transport heroes from shore to shore with boats.
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Re: Out of Sync Errors

Postby Zajoman » Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:43 am

piranha wrote:No no he started out as a pasenger on a flyer and then as a passenger on someone else ship. Where is he going to get his ship from in the middle of the ocean? Very logical :mrgreen:

Wait. What do you mean by "someone else's ship"? Both the hero (now without his flyer mount) and the ship stack belong to the same player, right? I'm talking about game sense, what the player expects to happen in certain situations, not logical in terms of pseudo real world. I mean, he should simply got stacked with the ship stack, and become one stack with one ship.

If you need a real world explanation, here's one: Our hero hops up onto a pegasus, closely following and overwatching his ship crew as they are known for drinking and getting lost at sea. After a few sea miles sailed, the sailors start drinking, as expected. So the pegasus pulls down to drop off our hero aboard so he can take over command as the drunken men would surely get lost. The pegasus can't stand the scent of alcohol so he flies away. Our hero doesn't have to get his ship out of nowhere. The ship is already there, he just jumps onto it from the air.
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