Easy way to read natural unit stats?

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Easy way to read natural unit stats?

Postby Chazar » Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:10 pm

Is there an easy way to determine unit stats?

If I hover over a unit on the right side of the screen, I only see the remaining move points and attack values in the current terrain.

  • In order to determine which unit had been blessed already, I want to know a particular unit's standard move and attack rate, all I see is the remaining move. How do I see that unit's base move?
  • Similarly, I once had a medusa and a catapult going through rough terrain in different directions but only one scout available. So I wanted to know which one is the faster unit in general, medusa or catapult.
  • Being new to Warbarons, I often don't know which unit in a stack is providing the moral bonus or gorup move, etc.
Since the Warpedia appears broken for units (I just see all stats listed, but no unit names or pictures), all I could do thus far is going to a city that produces this kind of unit or looking at the production-buy screen or any city. Pretty tedious. What am I missing here?
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Re: Easy way to read natural unit stats?

Postby KGB » Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:55 pm


Your not missing anything. Like you, I have to go to a city and attempt to buy production to see stats :(

I too would like the mouse over to show the entire unit stats:
Base Stats: Strength, Hits, Move, Upkeep, Terrain movement bonus
Current Stats: Strength (after stack+terrain mods), Move remaining. These can simply be (#) next to the base stats.
Special Stats: Blessed (strength and move and UL for heroes in next beta). These can simply be special icons next to the Current Strength and Move Remaining numbers as they were for DLR (a cross was used to indicate blessed)
Stack Stats: Morale/Fear/Siege/Chaos/Leadership icons are fine

So if you hovered over a blessed Elf in the woods with 10 moves left you might see

12+(27) 2 - 12 base strength, unit is strength blessed, currently 27. 2 hits
15+ (10) 3 - 15 base move, unit is move blessed, upkeep of 3
Woods Icon (10) - Unit has woods movement bonus, unit gets +10 combat in woods
No Stack Icon - Unit provides no stack combat bonus

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Re: Easy way to read natural unit stats?

Postby piranha » Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:32 pm

Didn't know the warpedia was broken in the game. Fixed it for next version now. Will see if I can improve the right hand info thing.
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