Westeros [2.0] is submitted for review.

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Westeros [2.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Pillager » Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:13 pm

New map: Westeros [2.0] by Pillager.
Map editor link: Westeros [2.0]

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Re: Westeros [2.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:30 pm


Any chance you might adjust the Dornish neutrals / position slightly?

I've played there 3 times and in every case I've run out of gold very fast. It's almost entirely due to the fact all those Lt Calv have such a high upkeep cost and there is only 1 ruin that can be reasonably searched with the rest being L2 and in out of the way places. Despite it's obvious attraction of a corner position I find it the least attractive place to start because you literally can't afford anything unless you plunder out all those Calv for Lt Infantry (especially since those Calv are useless in the Desert with no bonus's). Might also be nice to have at least one Scorpion city down there.

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Re: Westeros [2.0] is submitted for review.

Postby sn0wball » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:56 am

The starting position in the Iron Islands is really disadvantageous compared to the other ones. In a game with many parties, you might stay under the radar, but initial expansion is much, much slower.

Besides, it would be great to have a Westeros map going up to the Wall and beyond.
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Re: Westeros [2.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Igor » Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:39 pm

Pretty map. I played 7 games on it, 5 of them begun from the north-west islands. That is very hard games, all 5. Those islands is the weak point of the map, I think.
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Re: Westeros [2.0] is submitted for review.

Postby LPhillips » Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:41 am

The map is tough for every spot except maybe red and green (on the minimap), but I find that the main factor is what other players do. Basically those who encounter resistance early from more than one side lose. It becomes sort of a "luck of the draw" scenario, where you just hope to get lucky :)

Pillager, I don't find the island player to be a slow start. They have a strong advantage in mobility, and they're not subject to encountering early resistance to expansion. But this map generally doesn't play out like a balanced map, and I find it hard to pin down any specific cause beyond the erratic layout. Maybe if you played 5-10 games with Fog of War turned off you could gauge what is happening and work to balance the map with unit availability and income? There are also many, many map editor options now that would allow you to fine-tune the map without compromising its design at all.
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Re: Westeros [2.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:01 am

I love the White starting spot assuming you get the Eyrie and not Moat Cailin. From the Eyrie you get a bunch of early ruins and a lot of expansion opportunities with good cities (some nice Hv Calv) without encountering any early enemies.

The map does work well in 3v3 style at least. Usually pitting outside (Dorne/Iron Men/Eryie) vs inside (High Garden/Casterly Rock/Storms End).

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Re: Westeros [2.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Pillager » Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:48 pm


It is gratifying that folks are still playing on.. and apparently enjoying... this map. Although I suspect most of the cred for that should go to George RR Martin for writing some entertaining books, and the quite well done TV adaptation.

I am planning to update this map. Since we now have snow to play in... I may add some more of the north. I'm Also considering adding in some cities across the narrow sea.

Quite a few of the cities will become villages or towers. The map will remain predominately open terrain to encourage human unit production.

I will try and improve the Stark position (up north) and possibly that of Dorne as well. Considering adding the wildlings as a playable faction. I will also make house Arryn a faction in its own right and not a possible start for Stark.

I will also make far fewer cities vulnerable to sea unit attack. Kraken seem to dominate this map, and this was never my plan.

Any input would be welcome.
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Re: Westeros [2.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:53 am


Great to hear you are going to update the map.

It's hard to give you any real advice since you plan to radically change it (more north, cities across the inner sea).

Personally I think it's great right now with the current level of detail. I consider this the map of the time of Roberts Rebellion rather than the map of the time of the Ice and Fire storyline which of course takes place in the North and across the inner sea as well as the area you covered. If you were to try and shrink it to fit in all the north I think it would lose the nice scale it currently has as you'd be jamming Kingdoms on top of each other.

I'd suggest just updating this map and dropping the Stark start position entirely and just going with the Vale for White. Then do a second map of the North (Twins area up to just over the wall so that the Nights Watch could be a start spot). That one can include a couple of cities across the inner sea since the North has less castles/towns and make it for maybe 4 players since there are fewer cities in the North.

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Postby Makke » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:44 pm

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Postby Dreadfeather » Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:17 pm

Bottom right (Orange) starting position sucks. I will never play this map again if I don\'t have to
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