Demon's swarm ability

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Re: Demon's swarm ability

Postby Argammon » Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:13 pm

@KGB: That depends on many things. Perhaps the unit that cancels swarm is

a) very expensive to buy and/or takes many turns to build

b) Cannot fly and/or not to fast

and all of a sudden demons would be very useful again. Fine tuning is difficult, I agree. However, any of those suggestions is better than it is now.
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Re: Demon's swarm ability

Postby entropy » Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:06 am

I'm against adding an anti-swarm ability because it adds unnecessary complexity to the game. It's important to keep it simple. A simpler game is easier to balance. If good players agree that the demon is overpowered (I can't say because I'm not a good player), then just make the suggested change that reduces the max to 55 with one more unit needed.

/2 cents
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Re: Demon's swarm ability

Postby Argammon » Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:20 pm

You don't really have to be a good player to see it is overpowered. Even a newbie can see that it is. And that is the core of the problem. :D
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Re: Demon's swarm ability

Postby YoureMrLebowski » Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:33 pm

Demon's swarm ability has to change. It is way to great an advantage. Demons should probably have a top value of 50, because that is what Red Dragons strength is (with leadership bonus). Maybe three demons swarm to 50. That might allow some equal balance against Red Dragons.

Also, I do think it would be interesting if unicorns could remove demons ability. It would make them an incredible gamble. Additionally, Green Dragons could be used as a unit that counters swarm ability, or another unit could be created.

I think it would be a good rule of thumb to avoid having any 1 unit with a highest attack value.
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