Unrensponsive script

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Unrensponsive script

Postby Zajoman » Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:50 am

Currently, I'm in a 1v1 game and whenever I click the End Turn button, the following error message pops up. It happens whem I'm done moving my armies, setting productions etc. I did not try to end a turn without doing anything - because I would lose. :) No matter what I click in the message box, it seems to work fine afterwards.

Browser: Firefox 3.6.8.
bug01.png (7.72 KiB) Viewed 3815 times
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Re: Unrensponsive script

Postby KGB » Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:23 pm


This happens all the time to me in Firefox.

All you can do is kill the browser, start it again and go back into the game.

Don't worry, you don't have to play a full turn each time you enter a game. You can move a few men, exit the browser and come back later and move the rest.

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Re: Unrensponsive script

Postby piranha » Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:36 am

You can try to disable sound FX in the settings. I know the call on flash to play sound sometimes will hang. If that doesn't help you probably need to use another browser until beta3 if you want to avoid that error.

FF is no problem speed wise but Chrome and Opera are more than twice as fast as FF. Just want to inform you :-). Personally I use FF when developing because their wonderful firebug plugin.
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Re: Unrensponsive script

Postby Zajoman » Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:03 am

Love Firebug, too. :)

I have no problem playing with this error, if it doesn't screw anything up too much. By "call on flash to play sound" you mean you're using Flash? And as for the sounds, that behaves rather weirdly - sounds play only sporadically.
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Re: Unrensponsive script

Postby piranha » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:05 am

Yeah I know the sounds doesn't work very well. We haven't talked about this part yet but we might decide to remove it during beta3 to put it back in when we have tested it more and have found good sounds to use. I really want a volume controller for the sounds too.

Like KGB says reloading the browser will work almost 100%. It can happen that a ajax call didn't work and then you will lose that when you reload the browser. All that will happen is that your unit will jump back to its previous position so you just need to check your previous moves and stuff.
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