by LPhillips » Thu May 03, 2012 8:43 am
For your entertainment, I present a side project: Burning Ice.
Some of the maps presented recently have shown some real appeal toward merging art with utility. Here is my homage to the efforts of the community! One of the best things about map making is the ability to provide enjoyment to peers in the Warbarons community. Thanks to everyone for your work on the maps, and I hope you will all enjoy mine as much as I have yours.
This was created to blow off steam after corrupting a new 150x150 map and losing it. Minimal consideration was given to balance during creation; it's intended to be eye candy first. I'd love a chance to test it out and see how it plays. Hopefully there's potential for a small ladder map. It presents some absurd terrain features and challenges, so it's well beyond my capability to determine how to balance it by theory alone.
Whenever we get to test it, feedback would be appreciated! All castles are random until some basic test data can be collected. If Piranha finds the time to start a few test games, then I'll try and have it playable for Beta 0.8. Maybe we can run a couple of non-FoW games from different spawns if there are any volunteers.