I thought perhaps we should wait for a formal announcement of Beta 0.8 and the new heroes to do this, but since it's begun already...
Moonknight wrote:Even more dangerous Igor, the Barbarian can be at strength 60 with 4 HP by level 4. The Strength level up should be 5 points for 5 STR, and the HP level up should be 20 points. That will help somewhat...
This is what testing is for though.
Barbarian's HP up at 20 points is bad. He's rather useless as it is; he's not a hero at all. He's a leveling unit with insignificant support ability. 6 max negate at 10 points for +1. He's nothing but a bodyguard for better heroes. Since we're discussing his balance, let's look at the current stats (from a few days ago, when the most recent 0.8 game began). He's not what he was a week ago.
Strength 30, 5 for +10
HP 2, 15 for +1
His starting HP needs to be 3, so he's at least good at one thing: early expansion. Then,
maybe his strength should cost 8. He can be strength 70 at 4 currently, but with 2hp and
zero unit support ability he's still just a strong unit. Remember that for the same xp you could have a level 4 Valkeria, which is a far superior hero in a stack. Barbarian is also harder to level than others, because his only strength is to stand on the front line and take hits. Even on small maps, he's just not a big threat. You can whine about how strong he'll be, but he's one unit without the ability to boost others, and a real hero will put him in his place quickly. As he is, he'll just be a bodyguard for a main hero.
Horse Lord is... very difficult to balance. He's fast, he searches ruins like a boss, and he's got the ability to dominate the 3 main terrain types. Just as Igor said, just as I said, you can't intercept this hero. He's no good in cities, but he's good at getting to the undefended ones. Igor and I have both already mapped out the way to abuse this hero, and neither of us has used him yet
Assassin is the best "support hero" of the group. At level 8, he'll have +80% group ambush ftw. You can't counter that, except with expensive critical stacks or perhaps another Assassin
You'll want this guy supporting your leveled paly/dreadlord even before a red dragon, if the Assassin is leveled. After Horse Lord, this is the guy to be scared of. Show him some love. He even gets a little city melt ability if you care to purchase it (6 city chaos).
My suggestion if the Horse Lord concept is maintained:
1) Remove his UL. Make him near-useless at ruins so he's hard to level up. Maybe 4, with +1 up to 12. Right now the best tactic is to send this hero to every ruin you can reach, leveling him to 4-5, and then burn your enemies to the ground. Without the UL he has a very difficult time leveling, so you need time and a lot of effort to make him into the ultimate raider.
2) Give 10 UL +3, max 25 to Barbarian. Conan the Barbarian beat the hell out of several ruined cities, evil undead, wizards, etc. in his time (books). He's the one who should be the ruin boss. He won't be good for anything else after very early game. Unless you actually buy his negate (level him to 11+), he's just one of those units you debate putting with your hero at the cost of your slot for a Dragon or Devil.
Igor wrote:And to limit Horse Lord's leadership to +19 maxium, cost 20 per 7.
Igor, this is more knee-jerking. That's patently absurd. There are better ways: the proposed UL reduction will make this hero incredibly difficult to use, and anyone who can level him sufficiently deserves his abilities.