Randomized starting spots

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Randomized starting spots

Postby KGB » Sat May 12, 2012 11:05 pm


In Beta4 (or was it 3) you had code in place so that if the starting spots weren't defined the players started as far apart as possible. Can that code be restored or at least have that as a game option when selecting a map?

I've just started 2 games in a row on an 8 player start map (150x100) and both times we started right next to each other instead of opposite areas so that by turn 2-4 we were already attacking each others empty cities (the second game was on Illuria where one of us was White and the other Green so that war happened on turn 2). If I wanted to play where war happens fast, I'd select a 50x map where you know you need to potentially defend on turn 2 or 3. It totally sucks to have starting spots like this on larger maps.

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Re: Randomized starting spots

Postby LPhillips » Sun May 13, 2012 2:31 am

This would be taken care of if we had the option for multiple maker setups. Some maps (like the Labyrinth I'm working on) would not be helped by this feature, but perhaps even harmed by it.
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Re: Randomized starting spots

Postby KGB » Sun May 13, 2012 6:06 am


What I am asking for is in the cases where the map maker doesn't define any starting spots for 1v1, 2v2 etc. Many map makers may not realize they can set all the starting spots for all combo's of games (or they don't want to be bothered) so they aren't setting anything and you just get assigned 2 random spots from the number available on the map.

If you define them then should to be used obviously. I too would like multiple 1v1 spots etc but that's not going to happen for a bit as SnotlinG said.

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Re: Randomized starting spots

Postby KGB » Mon May 14, 2012 1:41 am

I just hosted a 1v1 game on Bullrun.

The game *did not* place us in the starting spots I designated for 1v1 play so we are basically randomly placed which is exactly what's broken right now :(

I know SnotlinG has covered this before but I am confused again. Are all those designated starting spots ONLY for Scenario versions of a Map? If that's true then why allow a map maker to even specify starting spots if the Map isn't marked as Scenario?

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Re: Randomized starting spots

Postby SnotlinG » Mon May 14, 2012 5:41 am

I checked the map and it seems you have specified 2 of the colors for diffrent teams, but you have 6 colors on "random team". If you dont want it to be possible to start on them on the 1vs1 setup you need to set them to "not used".
Or maybe it would be ok to spawn as red or orange for one player, and the other as teal or blue. You then set red + orange as team1 and blue and teal as team2 and set the other ones as "Not used"
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Re: Randomized starting spots

Postby KGB » Tue May 15, 2012 1:01 am


Ah, NOW I get it :)

Fixed and resubmitted. Can you remove the 1.0 version and put the 2.0 version in its place in the regular and ladder map section.



P.S. Out of curiosity, what happens in FFA mode? I left everything enabled so you can have an 8 player FFA but how will say a 4 player FFA get assigned starting spots? Can 3 of them be grouped say at the top of the map and 1 at the bottom? I can't see any way to control something like that and I'd hope it puts the players in the 4 corners or in the 4 middle spots. This is why I think the code still needs to separate players in FFA mode on maps with lots of starting spots.
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