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Re: MidgardMap-LadderMap?

Postby KGB » Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:07 pm


1) Scenario maps can't be used for ladder. So only your non-scenario version of the map is available for ladder play. These are the ones players mostly care about as I don't know how many play your map in scenario mode.

2) I just looked at the FFA settings. Apparently you can't set 4 player FFA. So you'll have to make a 3rd version of the map and remove 4 sides for FFA to make a 4 player FFA fixed start spot. Hopefully version 0.9 will allow setting FFA's in the same manner as team games. I do believe SnotlinG changed the code recently to space players apart in FFA games with fewer than max players. That probably means you'd get Cyan/Black/Orange/Green as the 4 spots.

3) I looked at your 2v2 setting for standard. You left all the other 4 sides as Random Team. This means that a player *may* be assigned to them. I made this mistake on Bullrun. You need to set the other 4 sides to 'not used' so that players are forced into the 4 colors you want.

4) Your 2v2 team setting of Cyan/Red Black/Green will definitely result in early flights between Black/Red while the other 2 will take longer. Not that it's wrong, just saying that's how it's going to play out vs the ones LPhillips and I suggested.

5) I would set the 1v1 to Black vs Green otherwise if it's left Random as it is now you can get Cyan vs Blue or White vs Orange type imbalance. You should also set 3v3, 4v4 and 2v2v2 setups as well to prevent the same randomness from occurring. This is important for ladder play. Don't forget to set unused spots to 'Unused' rather than random team.

6) In the scenario setup I see that 4v4 has everyone on the same team. I think that means it's broken as there will be no team 2. I'd look closely at all your scenario setups as many don't look right. This doesn't matter for ladder but might mess up the scenarios entirely.

7) Production/Armies in the Capitol ONLY matter for scenario. They won't be used in Standard (ladder play). This is why it's important to set the cities BY the capitols to have units players need (like a Dwarf in the city to the right of the Green Capitol so they can go right down that mountain range really fast and an Elf in one of the cities next to the Red Capitol).

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Re: MidgardMap-LadderMap?

Postby Tim » Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:57 am

Thanks very much KGB!I changes some things and report here! :) But the things with all are Team 1 and so one is not from me. I saved the maps in the new Version but some things are not the same as before...
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Re: MidgardMap-LadderMap?

Postby Tim » Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:45 pm

Ok Guys, I now changed many things...
First I have 3 Maps. Two Standard /FFA4 and FFA8) and a ScenarioMap.

These are the Parameters:
1v1 Green/Black
2v2 Green-Orange/Cyan-Black
3v3 Yellow-Cyan-Black/Red-Green-Orange
4v4 White-Cyan-Red-Yellow/Green-Black,Blue,Orange
2v2v2 Green-Cyan/Red-White/Yellow-Black
2v2v2v2 Red-Cyan/Green-Yellow/Blue-Orange/White-Black

For the FFA4 Map there are only Red,White,Yellow,Cyan

Then I give two or 3 Cities near the Capital some production:
Cyan: Eagle, Dwarf
Blue: HeavyInf, Archer
Yellow: Scorpion, Dwarf
Black: Dwarf, Wolfrider
Green: Archer, LightCav, Dwarf
White: Pikeniere, LightCav
Orange: Eagle, Scout, Wolfrider
Red: Wolfrider, Archer

For the Scenario Map are some changes:
Only 7 Player and 1 AI(blessed). White(AI) in the middle now. Green is now between the old position of green and white in the Forest at Geltin.
Only constant Production for the Cities here:

Red: Crow, Wolfrider, Elemental
Yellow: Crow, Scorpion, HeavyCav
Blue: HeavyInf, Ram, Crusader
Black: Dwarf, Spider, Ghost
White: Mage, Devil, Red Dragon
Cyan: Crow, Dwarf, Giant
Green: Archer, HeavyCav, Unicorn
Orange: Mage, Crusader

I think its a good change. Maybe we start a test? Please only players who want to test and not retire to early. Make a Game. MidgardControlling PW:testit

Thanks! :)

PS: Some little changes at terrain too...hope now that one of them become a ladder Map. :))))
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Re: MidgardMap-LadderMap?

Postby LPhillips » Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:53 pm

Sure, I'll give it a shot. Already playing the Scenario there.
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Re: MidgardMap-LadderMap?

Postby Tim » Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:11 pm

I think with the changes its much better. And I deaktivate the 1v1 2v2 etc. from the scenario settings. Is this right?
In the Scenario I have only enabled Scenario and FFA with 4 Players and one AI...

Hope Snotling and Piranha gives it a chance as ladder map. I think the best for the FFA4-Map...
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Re: MidgardMap-LadderMap?

Postby Tim » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:12 pm

By the way..the last thing i dont understand is when i create a Game...whats team setup? Whats when I choose that?
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Re: MidgardMap-LadderMap?

Postby LPhillips » Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:22 am

Tim, there is a drop-down menu in the Standard Settings.
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Re: MidgardMap-LadderMap?

Postby Tim » Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:46 am

Yes there is a dropdown. I know. But what do this function. I can take 2v2 and can make Teamgames whats that for? What settings are used there? I see nothing in the map editor what is called Team Settings.
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Re: MidgardMap-LadderMap?

Postby Tim » Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:37 pm

I make the testing game without Password now. I write many people but they dont join... hope that its enough for testing and there are good players then...
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Re: MidgardMap-LadderMap?

Postby Tim » Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:29 pm

To the Game Creators:
Whats the Problem that my map isnt a ladder Map? ;(
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