Convert Land units to Boat - still can move as boat

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Convert Land units to Boat - still can move as boat

Postby JJR » Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:16 am

Hi there

I'm not certain if this is a bug (as a I last played Warlords 2 Deluxe many years ago).

Game "There can be only " - Turn 4 (player JJR).

I used my giant and an infantry to attack a city and won. My surviving giant then walked about 8 steps to a port. Once my giant converted to a boat, I thought I would have no more movement that turn on water. However, I was able to still move 2 positions on the water.

Is this correct? I thought that converting to a boat (for land units) does not allow you to use any of your remaining moevement for that turn the water (i.e. if I had 5 movement left just before I become a boat, the movement would become zero as soon as I become a boat) .

Log of my turn attached below.


199: popwindowqueue called
198: popInfoWin / savegame anropad
197: errorcheck OK
196: errorcheckundefined
195: Ska uppdatera defend på unit 44
194: Roterar igenom movecheckarray:movecheck#4
193: Roterar igenom movecheckarray:movecheck#3
192: Roterar igenom movecheckarray:movecheck#2
191: Roterar igenom movecheckarray:movecheck#1
190: drawpath anropat
189: Sätter selected=37,14,5,53_105,,15,Hero Dreadknight,herodreadknight,1,12#40,52,orange,0,2,2,Hero,Land,,Hero,9,1,1,52 i = 0
188: drawpath anropat
187: Sätter selected=37,14,5,53_105,,15,Hero Dreadknight,herodreadknight,1,12#40,52,orange,0,2,2,Hero,Land,,Hero,9,1,1,52 i = 0
186: drawpath anropat
185: select anropad med 54_105
184: drawpath anropat
183: Sätter selected=37,14,5,53_105,,15,Hero Dreadknight,herodreadknight,1,12#40,52,orange,0,2,2,Hero,Land,,Hero,9,1,1,52 i = 0
182: removing army from minimap at 52_112
181: armymoveonminimap 52_112 to 58_110
180: verifymove anropat. Koll OK, coord: 58_110
179: verifymove anropat. type=PHP, movecheck ID:4
178: errorcheck OK
177: errorcheckundefined
176: ajax har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 58_110
175: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:4
174: drawpath anropat
173: select anropad med 58_110
172: drawpath anropat
171: Sätter selected=44,12,3,52_112,,12,Heavyinfantry,heavyinfantry,1,,5,orange,0,10,10,,Land,,Standard,0,0,0,5 i = 0
170: drawing new army at minimap
169: removing army from minimap at 78_115
168: armymoveonminimap 78_115 to 80_113
167: verifymove anropat. Koll OK, coord: 80_113
166: verifymove anropat. type=PHP, movecheck ID:3
165: errorcheck OK
164: errorcheckundefined
163: ajax har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 80_113
162: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:3
161: select anropad med 88_96
160: drawpath anropat
159: select anropad med 88_96
158: drawpath anropat
157: select anropad med 52_112
156: drawpath anropat
155: select anropad med 88_96
154: drawing new army at minimap
153: removing army from minimap at 75_113
152: armymoveonminimap 75_113 to 78_115
151: verifymove anropat. Koll OK, coord: 78_115
150: verifymove anropat. type=PHP, movecheck ID:2
149: errorcheck OK
148: errorcheckundefined
147: ajax har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 78_115
146: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:2
145: select anropad med 78_115
144: drawpath anropat
143: select anropad med 78_115
142: drawpath anropat
141: Sätter selected=41,17,5,75_113,,8,Giant,giant,1,,11,orange,0,20,1,Giant,Land,,Standard,4,0,0 i = 0
140: select anropad med 75_113
139: select anropad med 78_115
138: select anropad med 75_113
137: drawpath anropat
136: select anropad med 65_99
135: drawpath anropat
134: select anropad med 83_95
133: updatecityarr called with
132: popwindowqueue called
131: ajax.savecity anropadundefined
130: popupminimapcontent calledcurrentprod
129: getownerbuttons
128: producing 4
127: current production:4
126: currentprod
125: keys: 75_112###75_113###76_112###76_113 elements: ca61#1#Ci#75#112###ca63#1#Ci#75#113###ca62#1#Ci#76#112###ca64#1#Ci#76#113
124: popupminimapcontent calledcurrentprod
123: getownerbuttons
122: producing
121: current production:4
120: currentprod
119: minimapupdatecity 75_112
118: errorcheck OK
117: errorcheckundefined
116: popCityConquerorWin anropad75_112
115: checkleveling
114: drawpath anropat
113: Sätter selected=41,17,5,75_113,,8,Giant,giant,1,,11,orange,0,20,1,Giant,Land,,Standard,4,0,0 i = 0
112: removing enemy from minimap at 75_113
111: minimapupdatearmy 75_113
110: newarmy anropad 75_113key:army#75_113 value:41,17,5,75_113,,8,Giant,giant,1,,11,orange,0,20,1,Giant,Land,,Standard,4,0,0
109: cleararmy anropad 76_113
108: loopar med anrop till army.cleararmy(citytiles[i])76_113
107: cleararmy anropad 75_113
106: loopar med anrop till army.cleararmy(citytiles[i])75_113
105: cleararmy anropad 76_112
104: loopar med anrop till army.cleararmy(citytiles[i])76_112
103: cleararmy anropad 75_112
102: loopar med anrop till army.cleararmy(citytiles[i])75_112
101: clearcity anropat75_113
100: popBattleWin called4 war
99: launch war
98: removing army from minimap at 74_113
97: armymoveonminimap 74_113 to 75_113
96: verifymove anropat. Koll OK, coord: 75_113
95: verifymove anropat. type=PHP, movecheck ID:1
94: errorcheck OK
93: errorcheckundefined
92: ajax har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 75_113
91: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:1
90: select anropad med 75_113
89: drawpath anropat
88: select anropad med 75_113
87: popwindowqueue called
86: popInfoWin / savegame anropad
85: errorcheck OK
84: errorcheckundefined
83: Roterar igenom movecheckarray:movecheck#4
82: Roterar igenom movecheckarray:movecheck#3
81: Roterar igenom movecheckarray:movecheck#2
80: Roterar igenom movecheckarray:movecheck#1
79: drawing new army at minimap
78: removing army from minimap at 65_113
77: armymoveonminimap 65_113 to 74_113
76: verifymove anropat. type=JavaScript. Koll OK, coord: 74_113
75: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:4
74: javascript har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 74_113
73: verifymove anropat. type=PHP, movecheck ID:4
72: errorcheck OK
71: errorcheckundefined
70: select anropad med 74_113
69: drawpath anropat
68: drawpath anropat
67: Sätter selected=41,17,5,65_113,66_113#67_114#68_113#69_113#70_113#71_113#72_113#73_113#74_113,19,Giant,giant,1,39,11,orange,0,20,20,Giant,Land,,Standard,0,0,0,11 i = 0
66: select anropad med 65_113
65: drawpath anropat
64: drawpath anropat
63: drawing new army at minimap
62: removing army from minimap at 52_105
61: armymoveonminimap 52_105 to 53_105
60: verifymove anropat. Koll OK, coord: 53_105
59: verifymove anropat. type=PHP, movecheck ID:3
58: errorcheck OK
57: errorcheckundefined
56: ajax har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 53_105
55: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:3
54: select anropad med 53_105
53: drawpath anropat
52: select anropad med 53_105
51: drawpath anropat
50: Sätter selected=12,12,7,52_105,,12,Medusa,medusa,1,,20,orange,0,2,2,,Land,,Standard,9,0,0,20 i = 0
49: select anropad med 52_105
48: drawing new army at minimap
47: removing army from minimap at 50_106
46: armymoveonminimap 50_106 to 53_105
45: verifymove anropat. Koll OK, coord: 53_105
44: verifymove anropat. type=PHP, movecheck ID:2
43: errorcheck OK
42: errorcheckundefined
41: ajax har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 53_105
40: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:2
39: drawpath anropat
38: select anropad med 53_105
37: drawpath anropat
36: Sätter selected=40,12,3,50_106,,12,Heavyinfantry,heavyinfantry,1,,5,orange,0,10,10,,Land,,Standard,0,0,0,5 i = 0
35: drawing new army at minimap
34: removing army from minimap at 48_102
33: armymoveonminimap 48_102 to 52_96
32: verifymove anropat. type=JavaScript. Koll OK, coord: 52_96
31: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:1
30: javascript har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 52_96
29: verifymove anropat. type=PHP, movecheck ID:1
28: errorcheck OK
27: errorcheckundefined
26: drawpath anropat
25: select anropad med 52_92
24: drawpath anropat
23: select anropad med 53_105
22: drawpath anropat
21: Sätter selected=43,14,2,48_102,,14,Orc,orc,1,,4,orange,0,10,10,Swamp,Land,,Standard,0,0,0,4 i = 0
20: select anropad med 48_102
19: drawpath anropat
18: select anropad med 53_105
17: drawpath anropat
16: select anropad med 52_106
15: drawpath anropat
14: select anropad med 51_106
13: drawpath anropat
12: select anropad med 53_105
11: drawpath anropat
10: Sätter selected=40,12,3,50_106,,12,Heavyinfantry,heavyinfantry,1,,5,orange,0,10,10,,Land,,Standard,0,0,0,5 i = 0
9: select anropad med 50_106
8: drawpath anropat
7: Sätter selected=12,12,7,52_105,,12,Medusa,medusa,1,,20,orange,0,2,2,,Land,,Standard,9,0,0,20 i = 0
6: select anropad med 52_105
5: popwindowqueue called
4: ignoring this popup and pushing out next one
3: infopopup anropad med Info_tutorial_4
2: popwindowqueue called
1: checkleveling
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:25 am

Re: Convert Land units to Boat - still can move as boat

Postby SnotlinG » Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:04 pm

This is intended :-)
When you convert to boat (or back to land), you lose all your move except 2. So if you move to a port and have 1 move left after moving there, your ship will keep 1 move. If you move to a port and have 7 move left after moving there, you will keep only 2 move as a ship.
Posts: 2148
Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:42 am

Re: Convert Land units to Boat - still can move as boat

Postby JJR » Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:57 am

Thank you.
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:25 am

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