Speedy Hero?

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Speedy Hero?

Postby Pillager » Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:23 pm

While reading the Dev Blog (beta 3 looks great), I came across some statements about 3 different hero types with differing stats and powers. I wanted to chime in a word of caution about balance, specifically about balancing hero speed.

The early game will likely see each faction's hero racing to plunder as many ruins as they can. A hero type that begins with higher speed may be the only hero worth having. Higher personal strength is not on par with higher speed. I'm not saying that a higher speed hero is a bad idea, just that (in order to be viable options) the other hero types would need significant advantages of thier own.
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Re: Speedy Hero?

Postby KGB » Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:56 am


Agree 100%.

Speed was the biggest differentiator in DLR between heroes. In fact the first 2 patches to balance game play dealt specifically with speed because some heroes could move much further than others and/or had the ability to get the speed skill itself.

Eventually the speed skill was reduced to 1.5x movement instead of 2x movement and most heroes were given similar base movements and movement upgrade options to make them viable.

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Postby kenc80 » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:50 am

As a W2 guy, i would vote for balanced speed among hero types. Just too critical. I would take movement over strength every time.
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