Tool for counting distances and areas

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Tool for counting distances and areas

Postby Negern » Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:43 pm

Just to choose how many "clicks" are wanted. Click on one square and then another to see the amount of squares between them, on four squares to see how many squares the area are. Would come in great use when balancing and making mirror maps. Also, the first function could become a gold member in game tool. Just to choose what units that should make up the imaginary stack then from where they start and their destination. Could make it easier to decide vectors, where to go with certain units, which productions to buy etc.
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Re: Tool for counting distances and areas

Postby LPhillips » Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:13 am

I'd have some occasional use for this tool in mapmaking.

On the subject of "tier member only" functions for mapmaker: It is my opinion that mapmaking should always be fully functional for all players. We want all maps to be of the highest possible quality, and the whole community and the project itself benefit from every good map.
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Re: Tool for counting distances and areas

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:58 am

Negern wrote:Just to choose how many "clicks" are wanted. Click on one square and then another to see the amount of squares between them, on four squares to see how many squares the area are. Would come in great use when balancing and making mirror maps. Also, the first function could become a gold member in game tool. Just to choose what units that should make up the imaginary stack then from where they start and their destination. Could make it easier to decide vectors, where to go with certain units, which productions to buy etc.

I think I get most of your suggestion:
1. Distance calculator
2. Area calculator
3. Doesnt get this one, something for in-game?
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Re: Tool for counting distances and areas

Postby Negern » Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:53 am

SnotlinG wrote:3. Doesnt get this one, something for in-game?

Could be used for in game too, as a gold function. You click on the function-button, get to a menu where you can choose which units should be part of the test and then click from where to start to where to go, just as usual. The units does not exist in the game, only to give info about how fast one can travel distances with different stacks.

I agree with lp about the map making. Only his in game function would be gold. And the map making function would only count the distances in squares.
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Re: Tool for counting distances and areas

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:04 am

1 & 2 will come in version 0.9 mapeditor :-)
Plus some other extra nice features ;-)
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