Warpedia overview Getting started How to start playing warbarons Movement and Terrain Game & account settings Performance tips Interface Turn based game Game modes Game mode simultaneous Game mode realtime Team games Ladder information Battle - interface Battle - bonuses Battle - calculations Heroes - basics Heroes - offers Heroes - leveling Cities - buy units Cities - train units Cities - citywall Cities - plundering and pillage Cities - razing and rebuilding Towers Income buildings Ruins - basics Ruins - Battle Temples Icons and abilities Units - part 1 Units - part 2 Units - part 3 Items level 1 Items level 2 Items level 3 Portals - teleport armies Fight order - rank your armies Map editor - start a new map Map editor - Building a map Mapeditor - saving and sharing Mapeditor - scenario maps Maritime Travel 90 percent battle rule Warpedia overviewThe warpedia is our encyclopedia where you can find all the information about warbarons from basic overview information to detailed description how things really works.If you miss anything here you can always post a message in our forum. The latest changes might not have made it to the warpedia yet.We read and reply in our forum and some of our more active players know all the latest detail and are normaly there to help out too. Getting startedIn order to start playing Warbarons you must first sign up an account. To sign up an account simply click sign up at the front page and fill out the form.When you have signed up an account use your username and password to login. If you haven't verified the e-mail that is sent out you won't be able to join multiplayer games. The best way to get started is to play through our tutorials that will step you through the game. Each tutorial is designed to explain a certain part of the game. To play tutorials go to play -> tutorials in the top menu. Once you think you got the basics a good way to practice is to play the challenge games against the computer AI. To start playing with others you can either host a game or join oneof the existing ones. It may take a while to fill a game and get it started. Since this game is played in rounds and each player have at least 1 day to make his turn it can take several daysbetween your turn in games where many people play. Its a good idea to join 2-3 games right away unless you have very limited time. How to play WarbaronsWarbarons is a turn based game where players have between 1 - 5 days to complete a turn. If a player miss one of his first 3 turns he is kicked from the game andthe slot is open for anyone to take for 24 hours.If no one takes the spot our AI will play that player. If a player miss a turn after the first turn the turn will move to the next player. If a player have missed 3 turns he is auto surrendered and his city is set to AI citystate. To track whom is doing their turn you can see a box around the shield of the player who has the turn in your account.Your shield is marked by a dashed border. When its your turn the whole row is highlighted which will help you when you have several games going. The game is won when a player or a team control a certain percentage of all cities that are still standing. Default is 80%. To know how many percent of the cities you have you can check under report->game objective. Movement and Terrain EffectsMovement PointsAt the beginning of each turn all units are given movement points to use for the turn. The amount of movement points each unit gets is the sum of: 1) The unit's base movement (including any increase from blessing or magic items) + 2) Leftover movement points from the prior turn + 3) Any group movement bonus that the stack has (best unit plus best hero) Example: A Mammoth unit ends its turn with 1 movement point left. At the beginning of the next turn the number of movement points the Mammoth unit gets is 14 (his base movement) + 1 (leftover movement from the prior turn) + 4 (group movement bonus) = 19. A stack of Mammoths ending their turn with 1 movement point left likewise have 19 move points on the next turn, since multiple group movement bonuses from units do not stack. Leftover Movement PointsThe maximum amount of leftover movement points that a unit can retain from the prior turn is 2. Any excess beyond 2 is lost. A unit that arrives from a portal is considered to have retained 2 movement points from the prior turn. Tip: It is advantageous to save your last 2 movement points each turn and not use them up. The reason is that next turn you still have those points to use. This allows you to potentially change directions if needed and have 2 more move points than you otherwise would have. The obvious exception to this is if those last 2 movement points allow you to reach your destination (city/ruin/tower, merge with another stack, attack an opponent etc). MovingAs a unit moves on the map, movement points are subtracted from the units movement total based on the terrain square the unit is moving into. The amount subtracted is the unit type (land/air/aquatic) cost for the terrain. When a unit no longer has enough points left to move onto a terrain square on the map it will be unable to move there. Note:When any unit in a stack does not have enough movement points to move to the next terrain square the entire stack will not be able to move there. That unit must be deselected from the stack and left behind in order for the rest of the stack to continue moving. Example: A stack consisting of an Eagle with 2 movement points and a Lt Cavalry with 5 movement points wants to move to a Forest square. The move cost in the Forest for the Eagle (air) is 2 and the move cost in the Forest for a Lt Cavalry (land) is 4. This move can take place because each unit has enough points. After the move the Eagle will have 0 movement points left and the Lt Cavalry will have 1 movement point left. Terrain TypesHere are all the terrain types and their base movement costs for land, air and aquatic units. For boat movement see Maritime Travel.
[1] Elementals can move through Volcanic terrain at a cost of 3. Heroes with the Ash Walk skill can move through Volcanic terrain at a cost of 2. [2] All defending units on a Temple or Ruin (ground) receive a +5 wall bonus. [3] Ruin terrain allows all units (attacking or defending) to add their undead lore skill to their strength. Heroes only add their own undead lore skill to strength. This includes undead lore from items, but excludes a bonus from other stacked troops, such as Scouts or Ghots, unlike for ruin exploration. [4] Land units crossing over a bridge use the Open terrain bonus. Aquatic and ship units moving under a bridge use the Water terrain bonus. If land units fight aquatic/ship units on a bridge each uses their respective terrain bonus. [5] Aquatic units move over a waterfall at a cost of 6. Movement BonusSome land units are specialized at moving in a certain terrain and use a reduced move cost to move through it (Elves in a forest only require 2 points instead of 4). The specialization can be limited to the individual unit (Scorpions in a desert) or it can allow that unit to lead others through the terrain so that they also use the reduced cost (Elves can lead all land units in the stack through the forest for 2 move points). Here are all the land units that can lead other land units (but not air/aquatic) through their terrain at a reduced move cost.
Combat BonusSome units are specialized at fighting in certain terrain and receive a bonus when fighting there (Elves in a forest receive +10 combat strength). The specialization can be limited to the individual unit (Elves in a forest) or it can allow that unit to provide a morale bonus to all friendly units or a fear penalty to all enemy units (Sandworm in a desert gives a 5 fear penalty to all enemy units). Here are all the units that provide a morale bonus to friendly units or fear penalty to enemy units in their terrain.
Game settingsThere are several game and account settings that a user can control. Some settings are located under my account->profile settings in the top menu while some more game specific settings are located in the game under game->settings in the top menu. game->settings Don't show help tips (default: off) display move left on path (default: on) Ask before ending turn when END TURN is pressed. (default: on) Halt move when discovering enemy in fog. Never halt Halt on player enemy Halt on player and neutral enemy (default: on) Battle display speed (lower is faster) (default: 600) Move speed (lower is faster) (default: 100) Performance tipsThis section is about getting the best performance when you play.The choice of browser is the most important choice when it comes to speed. Chrome and Opera are the fastest browsers when it comes to rendering a page and they are also the fastest to parse javascripts. We recommend people to use one of those browsers since its free and they are simply faster than the rest. Firefox is playable too but slower. IE 9.0 is unplayable unless you have a very good computer. The next thing that makes a big impact is the size of your screen. The game area is adjusted to use your entire screen. The higher resolution the more graphics to draw and the slower it gets. If you are playing on a slow computer and/or lousy browser you can shrink the window and reload the page. This will reduce the amount of tiles to draw when you scroll around the map and move units which is the most performance consuming task.Each tile is 64 x 64 pixels and by reducing the height or width by 64 pixels you will draw one row of tiles less. Interface![]() This is the list of your ongoing games. When its your turn the entire row is bright to make it easy to spot in which games it's your turn if you are playing in many games. The shield represent each player in the game and it's turned into a skull when a player is dead. The tiny hour glass on some shields tells you that this play have activated away time. A feature that allow him to gain 12 extra hours of turn time for 10 credits when his time runs out.The bar bellow the shield is a indicator that tells you how many times he may buy extra time. You start with 20 aways when a new game is started and gain 1 more for every 5 days of game time. You can also hover your mouse over a shield to see the exact number of aways still available.Once a player run out of aways he will simply miss his turn when the time runs out. The blue border around a shield is telling you who currently have the turn. If its a simultaneous game several players can have a blue border around their shield. The dashed border is around your shield. The number that sometimes show up on a shield in the upper left corner tells you that this player missed his last turn. The number tell you have many turns in a row he missed. Free players may only miss 1 turn and are then auto surrendered. Silver players can miss 2 and gold 3 before they lose. Game modesIn warbarons there are different game modes. Melee Melee is a normal game just for fun. Ladder Ladder games counts towards your ranking on the ladder. Scenario Scenario is a mode that can only be played on maps created for scenario games. A scenario map is a map where the map creator can alter the default values and create triggers. It can be used to create map objectives, quests, historic setups etc. Speed Speed game mean that for a set period 1:30 - 5:30 from the hosting moment the game will be in speed mode. Speed mode mean thatplayers only have a few minutes to complete a turn. In speed mode you must be prepared to sit by your computer and play until the speed periodis over and the game change to normal turn pacing. Normal Normal just indicate that it is not a speed game. 1 vs 1 1 vs 1 is a game that starts with just two players against each other without possiblity to form any alliance. FFA Free for all is a game where more than two players are in the game from the beginning and all players start with status war with each other.Its possible to make a non agression pact during the game but only one player can be the winner at the end. Teams If you want to play a team game with teams made up of random people you choose melee when hosting a team game.If you select ladder when hosting a team game you and anyone who join the game must be in a team already. In team games all players on the same team do their turn simultanously which mean that a 8 player game can be quite fast. Simultaneous modeSimultaneous mode simply mean that all players can make their turn at the same time. Whoever happens to login and make their move first will be first. This game mode can be considered a bit more even compared to normal mode where some players get the benefit of being first on every turn.When the last player click end turn on a simultaneous game the game will enter a freeze period for a per turn random amount of time. This is to not make it aadvantage to move last and then move first on the next turn. The freeze time will be a couple of hours and all players of the game can see how much time until thenew turn starts. Games that are in freeze mode have a snowflake on them. Realtime gamesHostingRealtime game lobbies are deleted after 1:30 hour if they haven't been started.When a real time game is hosted a icon / button is shown on the left side of your account information to notify all players that there is a realtime game open.Game startWhen a realtime game is started a popup will be shown for all players regardless of where on the site you are (except in games older than version 0.9) with a button that will take them to the game.The first turn is 4 minutes long. After that the time is increased by 10 seconds with each turn.Turn cycleAll players are doing their turn at the same time. When you are done with your turn you click end turn as normal. The client will reload on the same turn and you can continue to move your units like before.When all players have clicked end turn or the times goes to 0 the client will reload again and the new turn is started. This allow you to continue playing after clicking end turn and make sure that you didn't forget anythingwhile waiting for the other players to complete their turn.Moving & attackingIf you see an enemy unit and try to attack it your request will go to the server that will check if the unit is still standing there. If the unit is still there according to the server you will attack. If the player moved the unit but the movement haven't shown up on your screen yet you will be notified that the unit moved and ask if you want to move there anyway.When you are in contact with enemy players in realtime games it becomes a much faster game. To be able to keep track of what's happening there are a couple of featuresthat will help you.Handy features for realtime games
One hour after the game changed to simultaneous mode it will start looking to see if all players in the game are online. As soon as all of the players are online at the same time a request will popup asking ifyou want to continue the game in realtime mode. If all players clicks yes the game will go back to realtime again and you will be sent to the game. If one players click no the request will go away andyou will be informed who clicked no. The game will then wait another hour before it starts to monitor to see if all players are online. Team gamesOne of the really fun things you can do is to play with your friends as a team vs other teams. To play team games you first need to create or join an existing team.To do that click teams under community in the top menu. To join a team you must know the team password. If you know it simply enter the name of the team and their passwordand click join. If you create a new team you will be the team creator and leader. Tell your friends about your team password so they can join. When your friends join your teamyou can assign them to be leaders too. This will allow them to kick players from the team and change the team password. The creator can not be kicked from the team.If the creator leaves the team one of the leaders will be assigned to the creator position. You can only be part of one team at a time. To join another team you must first leave the team you are in. To play with your team vs another team you must select team when creating the game. If you select ladder only players who are in a team will be able to jointhe game. Ladder informationLadder is a way to rank players. When you win games you gain ladder rating which will place you higher on the ranking. In Warbarons there are four separate ladders.1 vs 1, Free for all, best team player and team ladder. Ladder seasons There are 3 ladder seasons each year which last for 4 months each. January - April May - August September - December. At the end of each season the top 15 players / teams of each segment is saved and can be viewed under previous ladder seasons. Games that meet the following criterias are automatically ended with a winner. 1. Ladder game and is on at least turn 11. 2. One player (or team) holds more than 70% of the game resources* that player/team will be declared winner and the game will be ended. Game resources are calculated based on these values: 15 points per city. 1 point per unit per level 1 point per 100 gold 2 points per building 3 points per hero, 1 per level All ladder games that doesn't meet that criteria will be counted towards the next season instead. Prizes The top 3 players / teams are awarded with credits. Top 3 of 1on1, FFA, and best team player #1 3000 credits #2 1500 credits #3 500 credits Top 3 teams: All players of team #1 1500 credits All players of team #2 1000 credits All players of team #3 500 credits. How ladder rating is calculated Ladder rating calculation is based on the ELO rating system.When you beat a player ranked higher than you, you will get more ladder points, and less when you beat someone ranked lower than you. The calculation is based on the rating when the game is started, not the rating when the game ends. The size of the map is also affecting the amount of points you get from winning. There is a K value that is altered depending on the number of map tiles until we have collected average time it takes to complete a map. K Value based on map size < 5000, K =16 >= 5000 && < 7500, K = 22 >= 7500 && < 10000, K = 28 >= 10000 && < 15000, K = 34 >= 15000 && < 20000, K = 40 >= 20000 && < 25000, K = 46 >= 25000, K = 52 K value based on average number of turns it takes to complete a game on the map. Turns > 0, K=8 Turns > 8, K=12 Turns > 13, K=16 Turns > 18, K=22 Turns > 22, K=28 Turns > 30, K=34 Turns > 35, K=40 Turns > 40, K=46 Turns > 45, K=52 FFA Games For FFA it works like this, every player is compared to the average rating of all the opponents, so each participant will be facing a diffrent rating value. For example we have: Player1 with rating 2000 Player2 with rating 1750 Player3 with rating 1500 Then when calculating the ladderpoints, for calculation it works like Player1 is facing an opponent with rating (1750+1500)/2 = 1625 Player2 is facing an opponent with rating (2000+1500)/2 = 1750 Player3 is facing an opponent with rating (2000+1750)/2 = 1875 So the players who loses will lose points equal to a 1v1 loss versus an opponent with that rating. The player who wins will gain points equal to a 1v1 win versus an opponent with that rating, and then times number of opponent, i.e. * 2 for this example. Team games works just like 1 vs 1 but its the team that get the ladder rating. There is also a individual team rating that you carry with you betweendifferent teams. This rating is based on your team wins, if your team wins a 3 vs 3 you will get the same amount of points that your team is awarded with.In addition to the ELO forumla there is a matching point system. If you win and get 16 ladder points for winning your point pool will match that with 16 extra points giving you 32 points for the win. You point pool starts at 40 points at the start of the ladder season. Each day the 1 on 1 pool is increased by 2 points, Team pools are increased by 1 and FFA pools are increased by 2 points per week. Battle interfaceBattle screen basics ![]() At the center top the defending army is listed. The defending side can have up to 32 (8*4) units listed when defending in a city.Bellow the defender is the attacker side which can never have more than 8 units.To see the exact strength of a unit and how it was calculated you can put your mouse over it. This information includes all bonuses. On the right side you have a couple of buttons, the first one is the warpedia button that will bring this information up, then there is an information button.The information show when clicking the info button is shown after the battle is played. The information give you some knowledge about the battle outcome, this is pretty technical stuff. check at the bottom section for a description. The start battle button is pretty obvious, that is how that start viewing the battle. Just bellow is a a option to set battle speed. the battle speed is simply a setting how fast the animations should play. The lower the number, the faster the battle willdisplay. This can be handy if you play in a speed game and are short on time. 600 is the default number. Under battle speed there is some information about probability. This indicates the propability for one side to win and is based on running this battle 1000 times and monitoring the result. Battle outcome is the chance that the result from the battle would happen, not only that this side would win but that the it would win withexactly this outcome. In the bottom right corner you can see which terrain the battle is fought on, there is a picture and a terrain name. The terrain name indicate which type and which terrain bonus is applied. Information button in battle When a battle is completed you can click the information button to see the results.What you see the the propability for defender and attacker unit to make a hit.The battle roll is the dice thrown fo each round, if its lower then the defenders chance then the defender will hit the attacker,if its higher than the defenders chance the attacker will make a hit on the defender. Battle bonusesBattle bonuses can be divided into two types. Invidual bonuses that only affect the unit with the bonus and group bonuses that affect all units in the same army. Several bonuses exist in invidual form and group form.Here is a list of all bonuses and a description for them. Terrain bonus The most common bonus is the terrain bonus. It applies to unit when it's fighting in a certain terrain. If a unit has battle 20 and Open +10 for example that means that it will fight with battle 30 in open terrain.Terrain bonuses are common among 1 turn and 2 turn units.A road through a terrain is regarded as the terrain around it. A morale bonus can be based on a certain terrain but its still regarded as a morale bonus and not a terrain bonus. For example a unit may grant all units in the army +10 morale on open terrain. If there is a unit in that army with +10 open terrain it will get both +10 terrain and then +10 morale resulting in +20. Attack/defend bonus This bonus apply when the unit is in either defend position or attack position in the battle. Anti air The anti air bonus kick in when the enemy unit is a flying unit. If the unit on the other side is a land unit but the next one is a flying unit the anti air bonuswont be active until the land based unit is killed. There is no way to target the flying unit before killing the units standing in front of it. Ambush The ambush bonus is a chance to kill the enemy unit before entering battle. Ambush is a percentage chance and it only happen the first time a unit enters battle.Group ambush is a cumulative bonus which mean that group ambush from all units in the same army are added. Its possible to have 100% chance to kill the enemy unit with group and personalambush combined.Ward Ward is a bonuses that negates ambush. If a unit has 50% ambush and the enemy unit has 25% ward the result ambush will be 50*0.25 = 12.5 (13) ambush. Ward is just like ambush cumulative. Aura bonuses (Morale / Fear) Morale and fear bonuses are aura bonuses that affect the entire army. The highest morale bonus in your army will be added to your units battle skill.Fear is the intimidating affect a unit have on the enemy. Fear removes battle skill from all units in the enemy army.Only the highest modifier apply for morale and fear. Having two units with +5 morale will result in +5 battle skill to all units. Heroic bonuses (Leadership / Chaos) Leadership and chaos are heroic bonuses similar to morale and fear. The difference is that leadership and chaos is found on hero units.The highest leadership bonus will be added to your units battle skill. The highest chaos removes battle skill from all units in the enemy army.Leadership and morale are cumulative with each other. You can have +5 morale and +5 leadership and the result is all units will have +10 battle skill.The same goes for fear and chaos. Negating bonuses Negating bonuses are bonuses that negates another bonus. Negate terrain +5 for example removes 5 from enemy terrain bonuses.Negate aura will remove from enemy morale or fear bonus.Negate heroism removes from enemy leadership or chaos. Unaffected by city wall This bonus make a unit unaffected by the city wall both when attacking and defending, which mean when it attack a unit in a city the defending unit won'treceive the bonus from the city wall.This also apply when defending, the unit with unaffected by city wall won't receive the defending bonus from the city wall when placed in a city or tower. Swarm The swarm bonus makes units better in battle when several units of the same type fight together in the same army. If a unit have swarm 4(5) it will get +4 battle with each unit up to max 5 starting with the first unit. Plunder Plunder is a bonus that apply when you take a city. When you capture a city the player owning the city loses the gold stored is the city (Gold / number of cities).The plunder skill decide how much of the gold is transferred to the warbaron capturing the city.The plunder value also dictates how much you get when you plunder a city.When you plunder a city you destroy all the production of the city and receive as much of the gold as it costs to buy the production multiplicatedwith the highest plunder percentage in the army. Most units have 40% plunder but some units are extra good or extra bad at plundering. Battle calculationsBattle calculations There are two calculations to find who the winner is in each battle round. Units with ambush value have a chance to ambush the enemy and kill him before entering a fight.When the ambush hit or missed that unit won't get another ambush chance until the next time you attack with that unit.The ambush chance is a percentage chance to success. Some units have a higher chance to ambush.If two units enter fight and both succeed with their ambush roll the ambush fail and the normal battle will start. When a unit is ambushed it will die instantly regardless of HP. After the ambush dice is rolled the normal battle dice will start.Only a few units can ambush others, but some units give the whole army a chance to ambush an enemy. A battle is played out in a set of rounds where dices are thrown to discern the winner. Both units roll a 100 sided dice.If a unit roll its battle value or less its a hit and if it roll more than its battle it's a miss.If both units hit the dices are rolled again. If both units miss the dices are rolled again.If one unit hit and the other miss the unit that missed will take a hit. Only two units fight at a time. It's still better to attack with as many units as possible because units are healed after a battle. If a unit with a bonus that apply to the entire army dies the bonus is still applied though the rest of the battle. All bonuses that apply to the entire army such as leadership/chaos, morale/fear are summed. When calculating the army bonus only the highest modifier of each type apply. If there are two units with +5 morale the result is +5 morale, not +10.A units battle value is capped at 75. Battles on water Units that have transformed into boat mode will have their battle value capped depending on which boat they sail in.The galleon allow battle values up to 45, the galley up to 25 the djonk up to 15. Units that have not transformed into a ship function just as normal. A hero that have not converted to ship also function as normal. All bonuses are applied as normal,the only difference is that boat units are capped.If a hero is still in his hero form and all ships and flying armies die or leave him on water he will drown at the end of the turn of theplayer who own the hero. If you kill all enemy units in an army except the hero the player with the hero have a chance to save his hero from drowning if hecan get a boat or flying army there before the end of his turn. To fully understand battles, please read the chapter about battle bonuses too. Example calculation **Since this example was written the dice has changed to 100 sides but the same logic still apply.** Here is a example how to calculate the chance to win a battle between a unit with STR 7 and a unit with STR 5. Unit 1, STR 5, Chance to hit 25% (5/20) (with 20 sided dice) Unit 2, STR 7, Chance to hit 35% (7/20) (with 20 sided dice) One battle round Unit 1 hits: 0.25 * 0.65 = 16.25% Unit 2 hits: 0.75*0.35 = 26.25% Any other outcome will result in the dices are thrown again. Probability for a hit after eventual re rolls: 26.25 / (26.25+16.25) = 61.8% for unit 2 16.25 / (26.25+16.25) = 38.2 % for unit 1 A battle that start with both unit having full HP can have this outcome: Hit for unit 1, Hit for unit 1 (0.382 * 0.382 = 14.6%) Winner unit 1 Hit for unit 1, Hit for unit 2, Hit for unit 1 (0.382 * 0.618 * 0.382 = 9%) Winner unit 1 Hit for unit 1, Hit for unit 2, Hit for unit 2 (0.382 * 0.618 * 0.618 = 14.6%) Winner unit 2 Hit for unit 2, Hit for unit 2 (0.618 * 0.618 = 38.2 %) Winner unit 2 Hit for unit 2, Hit for unit 1, Hit for unit 2 (0.618 * 0.382 * 0.618 = 14.6%) Winner unit 2 Hit for unit 2, Hit for unit 1, Hit for unit 1 (0.618 * 0.382 * 0.382 = 9%) Winner unit 1 Probability for unit 2 is the winner: 14.6% + 38.2 % + 14.6% = 67.4% Probability for unit 1 is the winner: 14.6% + 9% + 9% = 32.6% Heroes - basicHeroes are your most important units. There are several differences between heroes and other units.Heroes gain experience when the accomplish tasks such as winning a battle, capture a city or search a ruin. When the hero gain enough experience he willlevel up and is able to learn new skills which will make him even more powerful in battle. Heroes can pick up and carry magical itemsthat will improve their skills and abilities. Items can be found in ruins and by killing other heroes who carry an item. Another big difference between heroes and other units is that they can mount other units. If a hero is grouped with a flying unit he is automaticallymounting the flying unit which allow him to travel over any terrain at the same movement cost as a flying unit.Heroes can also mount aquatic creatures and cross waters and swamps with ease.Heroes that haven't converted to a boat at a dock can step onto a ship from a bridge and sail with it.Remember that a hero that is in hero form will drown at the end of the turn if there is no one else there to keep him afloat. ![]() To bring up the hero view go to the top menu hero -> inspect . On the map shown to the left you can see where the hero is located marked by a X symbol. Under the portrait you can find some basic information about your hero including his experience (XP) howfar it is to the next level and how many points the hero have. At the center column you can buy upgrades for your points. The negative can only be used if you invest points in something but change your mindbefore you click OK. Once you click okay you can't change your mind again. To find out what every bonus is you can read more under battle bonuses.View radius is how far from your hero fog of war is removed and enemy units are revealed.Intelligence is how fast you gain XP from battles. Each time you level up a hero the hero is awarded with 10 points. Heroes - OffersHero OffersAt the beginning of each turn there is a chance that a new hero will offer themselves for hire in one of your cities for a set gold price. The hero may bring additional allies for an increased gold cost. The city that the hero and allies offer themselves in is chosen at random from one of your cities. Note: On turn 1 all players receive a level 1 hero offer that includes no allies for a fixed cost of 500 gold. Accepting the OfferWhen a new hero offer occurs a pop-up menu will be displayed at the beginning of the turn. The menu will show the hero level, any allies that the hero is bringing, the total cost of hiring the hero and allies and the city location where the hero will arrive. To accept the hero offer, select the hero portrait of the type of hero you want, enter a name for the hero and then hit the OK button. To decline the hero offer, select the cancel button. An 'Include Allies' checkbox allows for excluding the allies if you do not want to pay extra gold to hire them. Checking/unchecking the box automatically recalculates the cost of the hero offer. A hero offer remains valid for the entire turn even if you cancel it initially at the start of the turn. To review the offer at any time click the multi purpose button in the upper left menu (it will have a Ziggurat icon on it). Tip: Always cancel the hero offer at the beginning of the turn. Replay any battles from last turn and survey the strategic situation including moving scout units / fighting battles before accepting the offer. High Level HeroesAt the beginning of the game all new heroes that arrive are level 1. As the game progresses new heroes that arrive may begin play at level 2 and above. Here are the hero levels based on game turn.
Hero CostThe cost for a level 1 hero ranges between 400-850 gold. The cost for each additional level is 100*level. If the player can not afford the additional level(s) the hero level will be reduced until the player can afford the hero. Example: The cost of a level 3 hero ranges between 900-1350 gold. The level 1 cost is 400-850 and the cost of the additional 2 levels for a level 3 hero is 500 gold (+200 for level 2 and +300 for level 3). AlliesBelow are tables showing the type and number of allies that can come with a hero offer. Here are the possible allies that can accompany a hero along with the cost per ally.
The number of allies is based on the gold remaining in the players treasury after subtracting the hero cost.
All numbers in the minimum and maximum range are equally likely. Note: It's possible to get fewer allies than expected if there isn't enough gold to pay for them. For example having 1050 gold left after the hero cost indicates 1 or 2 allies should be included but if the randomly selected ally is a Red Dragon and it's randomly selected cost is 1100 then no allies will be included in the hero offer. The ChanceIf a player has 400+ gold at the start of their turn they have a chance of getting a hero offer. The minimum chance is 10%. The maximum chance is 90% unless the player has no heroes in which case it can reach 100%. The chance is a formula based on the amount of gold the player has modified by the number of heroes the player currently has. Here are the gold chance ranges based on number of heroes (Hero numbers above 7 not shown).
Having less gold than the minimum means the chance is fixed at 10%. Having more gold than the maximum has no effect as the chance is capped at 90% (100% for 0 heroes). Gold totals between the min/max ranges increase the chance by 1% every 5.8 gold. Example: A player has 2 heroes currently in play. If the players gold total is between 400-810 then the chance for a hero offer is 10%. If the players gold total is greater than 1290 then the chance for a hero offer is 90%. If the player has 1050 gold then the chance for a hero offer is 50%. Miscellaneous NumbersSome key numbers to know: 1) The minimum amount of gold required to have a chance at an ally is 900 (400 minimum hero cost + 500 minimum ally chance). 2) The minimum amount of gold required to guarantee at at least 1 ally is 1950 (850 max hero cost + 1100 max ally cost). 3) The minimum amount of gold required to have a chance at a Red Dragon is 1250 (400 minimum hero cost + 850 minimum Red Dragon cost). 4) The maximum chance of getting a specific ally (Red Dragon) is 11.25% (90% chance of hero * 1/8 chance for each ally) and requires 1950+ gold (see #2). 5) The average hero cost is 625 gold (mid point between 400 and 850). Note: All gold numbers based on level 1 hero. For higher level heroes add the appropriate amount of gold for their level. Heroes - levelingThe following actions will award your hero with more experience points.All tasks are multiplicated with your heros learning skill which commonly start at 100% but can be increased when the hero level up. Search a ruin Ruin level 1: 50 - 350 XP Ruin level 2: 350 - 850 XP Ruin level 3: 850 - 1800 XP Visit a temple No XP is given for searching a temple. Capture a city Capturing a city is awarded with 250 XP. Capture a income building Capturing a building is awarded with 100 XP. Battle experience calculation 1 turn units 75 XP 2 turn units 150 XP 3 turn units 225 XP 4 turn units 300 XP 5 turn units 375 XP Heroes are considered 3 turn units. The experience ladder look like this.
Buy production![]() Training![]() You can also select what unit you want to train on the city information page. This page however makes it easier by showing all available units at the same time. CitywallOn the city wall page you can upgrade the city wall. The city wall have 9 levels (0-8). Some levels increase the defense while other do nothing or increases the view radius around the city. The citywall level is only known by the cityowner (while the city defense can be seen by all)
Looting and Plundering
Razing and rebuildingA city can either be razed when you win a battle over an enemy city. Razing it in this situation is free. You can also raze a city that you are already the owner of. To raze a city you need a unit in the city. Select the unit and click orders->raze in the top menu. This will bring up the raze window stating the cost to raze your city. The cost to raze a city us calculated by the following formula: 5*city income + 25% * production value, however the min cost to raze is always 150 gold. To rebuild a razed city you need to place a unit in the city with construction ability and then select orders->rebuild city in the top menu. The cost to rebuild is based on the following formula: 5*income + 500 gold. Razing production in your city costs 25% of what it costs to buy. TowersThere are two type of towers. Lookout towers that give the unit extra vision when standing in the tower. The lookout tower counts as the same terrain as it is built on. Lookout towers can not be constructed in the game, they are already on map when the game starts. Guard towers is the other type of tower. Guard towers can be built anywhere on any terrain, even water. To build a guard tower select a unit with construction ability and go to orders->contruct tower. A popup will ask you about the level of the tower and give you the cost.Constructing a tower costs 100 gold + gold per level. Defense 0 cost 50 per level, defense 1 costs 75 per level and and defense 2 and 3 costs 100 gold per level:
Income buildingsThere are income buildings for each terrain type. Income buildings are always considered the type of terrain they belong to. For example a saw mill would normally be in a forest, but even when placed on a grass area its considered forest terrain. Income buildings give the owner 10 - 20 gold / turn.Income buildings are by default guarded by a single 1 turn unit. When a hero capture a income building he is awarded with 100 XP. Ruins - OverviewRuins are abandoned haunted places that only heroes can search for treasure. Ruin InformationWhen a game is started each ruin is assigned a treasure and undead guardian(s). The treasure and guardians may be specifically set by the creator of the map (this is not the player who started the game) in which case they will always be the same for every game on that map. If the treasure and guardians are not specifically set the game assigns random treasure and guardians to the ruin. Clicking on a ruin in the game will pop up an information screen for that ruin. If the ruin treasure and guardians have been specifically set then the pop up will list the exact contents of the ruin. If the ruin treasure and guardians have been randomly set then the pop up will only show possible guardian encounters for that level of ruin. The pop up will also display the current state of the ruin (unexplored/explored) and whether or not the ruin can respawn. The ruin state (unexplored/explored) is only accurate for ruins that are not hidden by the Fog of War. Tip: Always bring up the information screen for nearby ruins to see if they have specific guardians and treasure. Ruin LevelsThere are 3 levels of ruins in the game:
[1] If there are no unused items to place in a ruin then the gold treasure type will be substituted. Treasure TypesBelow are tables showing the 4 different types of treasure that can be found in a ruin: Here are the possible amounts of gold that can be found in each type of ruin.
All Magic Items come with an amount of gold in inverse proportion to their value (better items come with less gold).
A sage rewards the rescuing hero with training and wisdom and a small amount of gold.
Here are the possible allies that can be found in each ruin type.
Searching a RuinTo search a ruin, move a stack containing at least one hero of the appropriate level onto the ruin. Then click the multi purpose button in the upper left menu (it will have a Ziggurat icon on it). A menu is displayed showing the hero that will enter the ruin and his undead lore skill. Confirm whether or not you want that hero to enter the ruin. When the hero enters the ruin one of two things happens: 1) If the ruin does not have guardians then the hero is awarded the treasure and the ruin icon changes to indicate the ruin is explored. 2) If the ruin has guardians a battle will take place (See Ruin - Battles). If the hero wins the battle then the hero is awarded the treasure and the ruin icon changes to indicate the ruin is explored. If the hero does not win the battle then the hero is slain and any guardians that the hero killed in the battle are removed so that the next hero who searches the ruin will face fewer guardians. Unless one of your hero's posesses the Eye of KGB item or the ruin has set guardians the hero must enter the ruin totally blind to whatever guardians might be waiting inside. Maximizing the hero's undead lore skill with items and undead lore from other units is the best way to ensure the hero survives. Tip: When a stack contains multiple heroes, the hero with the highest Undead Lore skill will be chosen to enter the ruin. This may not always be the hero you want to search the ruin. To select a different hero you must unselect the default hero from the stack. ExperienceThe experience awarded for searching a ruin consists of the base ruin XP plus XP for each guardian defeated. This value then multiplied by the hero's learning level to give the final XP value for searching the ruin. Only the hero who entered the ruin gets the experience. Example: A stack consisting of a Ranger and a Barbarian searches a L2 ruin. The Ranger is chosen to enter the ruin and she successfully defeats 3 Ghouls. The XP value is 150-350 (ruin XP) + 3*150 (3 Ghoul guardians) = 600-800. The Rangers learning level is 110% so the value is multlied by 1.1 to give a final value of 660-880 and all of it is awarded to the Ranger. RespawnAt the begining of a new turn there is a small chance that 1 explored ruin is reinhabitated by guardians and a new treasure is placed in it. When a respawn takes place the News menu that is shown at the start of the turn will indicate which ruin respawned. Ruins - CombatIn ruin combat a hero fights the undead guardians alone in a battle to the death. GuardiansThere are 4 types of undead guardians that can be encountered in a ruin. Here are the guardians stats and the XP awarded for defeating each one.
You only face one type of undead guardian in a ruin. Here are the possible encounters for ruins that are assigned randomly (Ruins set specifically by the creator of the map may contain any type and number of guardians).
Undead LoreUndead lore is the skill used in combat in ruins. A hero's undead lore skill is the sum of: 1) The individual hero undead lore skill + 2) All items that the hero is wearing that have undead lore power + 3) All units in the hero stack that have their own undead lore skill. Tip: Always check your hero inventory before entering a ruin to make sure all items with undead lore power are being worn. The following units have an undead lore skill that aid the hero in combat: 1) Scout - 1 lore 2) Crusader - 1 lore 3) Wizard - 2 lore 4) Ghost - 3 lore Other units may acquire undead lore or the above units may increase their existing undead lore by visiting a lore temple. Note: Heroes are vain by nature and want glory for themselves. They do not share their undead lore with another hero in the stack. Example: A stack consists of a level 1 Paladin, a L1 Valkrie and 2 Scouts. The Valkrie is wearing The Eye of KGB. The Paladin's undead lore skill is 9 (his base value) + 2 (2 scouts) = 11. The Valkrie's undead lore skill is 6 (her base value) + 2 (2 scouts) + 2 (Eye of KGB) = 10. CombatThe rules of combat in the ruin are the same as the ones used in regular battles (See Battle - Calculations). The difference between regular combat and ruin is the dice used and that the 90'% rule does not apply in ruins. Level 1 ruins - 12 sided dice. Level 2 ruins - 22 sided dice. Level 3 ruins - 33 sided dice. Note: Extra hit points from items such as Gabriels Heart are used in ruin combat. Tip: If your hero's total undead lore value is higher than the dice for that ruin you are 100% guaranteed to win the combat. Warbarons Ruin Combat Success Chance Calculator by KGB
Instructions:Change the hero undead lore and hits values to see what your chance to successfully defeat the guardians for every ruin combination is. It's normal for the numbers to change by 1% when repeatedly using the same undead lore/hits values. This is because only 5000 simulations are run in order to speed recalculating the entire table.
TemplesTemples are holy places where a unit may journey to receive a blessing by a spiritual leader. Blessing InformationA unit may only receive each type of bless effect once. The effect from the blessing by the spiritual leader is permanent. Icons are added to the individual unit icon in the stack menu to indicate which bless effect(s) a unit has received. Temple TypesThere are 3 types of temples in the game:
[1] The Movement blessing immediately adds +2 to the unit's current remaining movement for the turn and the unit's maximum movement. [2] The Undead Lore blessing adds the Undead Lore skill to any unit, not just those that already have the Undead Lore skill. Blessing UnitsTo bless units just move them onto a temple. A menu is automatically displayed showing which unit(s) just received the blessing and which unit(s) did not because they have already received that particular blessing. If enemy units are guarding a temple the blessing will not automatically happen after combat is complete. To manually bless the surviving units click the multi purpose button in the upper left menu (it will have a Ziggurat icon on it). The blessing will then occur and the bless menu will be displayed. Note: Units must explicitly stop on a temple to receive a blessing. If a unit's movement path takes it over a temple the unit will not be blessed as it moves over the temple. Icons and abilitiesHere is a list of all the abilities available Build time - The number of turns it takes to train a unit Income Cost of something Your portal - Shows your units in transition to or from current city Allied portal - Shows ally units in transition to or from current city View radius - The radius around a unit or building where fog of war is removed Plunder - Used when capturing / pillaging an enemy city to decide how many percent of gold taken you get. Upkeep - The cost in gold per turn to keep a unit in service HP - The number of hits it takes to kill a unit Move - The number of move points a unit start with on a new turn Battle - The value used to battle against enemy units Group move - The number of extra move points given to all units in the group at the start of the turn Ambush - A percentage chance to ambush and kill an enemy before starting battle Group ambush - A culumnative bonus giving the entire group a ambush chance Attack - Value added to battle skill when in attacking position Defend - Value added to battle skill when in defensive position Wall - Value added to battle skill when unit is behind a city wall Anti air - Value added to battle skill when enemy is a flying unit Fly - Unit is airborne when moving and when in battle Open - Value added to battle in open terrain City- Value added to battle in city terrain Forest - Movement bonus in forest / Value added to battle in forest terrain Swamp - Movement bonus in swamp / Value added to battle in swamp terrain Hill - Movement bonus in hills / Value added to battle in hill terrain Desert - Movement bonus in desert / Value added to battle in desert terrain Glacier - Movement bonus on glacier / Value added to battle in snow terrain Water - Value added to battle in water terrain Morale - Value added to entire group in battle Morale attack - Value added to entire group in battle in attack mode Morale defend - Value added to entire group in battle in defend mode Morale antiair - Value added to entire group in battle vs flying unit Morale open - Value added to entire group in battle in open terrain Morale forest - Value added to entire group in battle in forest terrain Morale hill - Value added to entire group in battle in hill terrain Morale swamp - Value added to entire group in battle in swamp terrain Morale desert - Value added to entire group in battle in desert terrain Morale snow - Value added to entire group in battle in snow terrain fear - Value removed from enemy group in battle fear attack - Value removed from enemy group in battle in attack mode fear defend - Value removed from enemy group in battle in defend mode fear antiair - Value removed from enemy group in battle vs flying unit fear open - Value removed from enemy group in battle in open terrain fear forest - Value removed from enemy group in battle in forest terrain fear hill - Value removed from enemy group in battle in hill terrain fear swamp - Value removed from enemy group in battle in swamp terrain fear desert - Value removed from enemy group in battle in desert terrain fear snow - Value removed from enemy group in battle in snow terrain leadership - Value added to entire group in battle leadership attack - Value added to entire group in battle in attack mode leadership defend - Value added to entire group in battle in defend mode leadership antiair - Value added to entire group in battle vs flying unit leadership open - Value added to entire group in battle in open terrain leadership forest - Value added to entire group in battle in forest terrain leadership hill - Value added to entire group in battle in hill terrain leadership swamp - Value added to entire group in battle in swamp terrain leadership desert - Value added to entire group in battle in desert terrain leadership snow - Value added to entire group in battle in snow terrain chaos - Value removed from enemy group in battle chaos attack - Value removed from enemy group in battle in attack mode chaos defend - Value removed from enemy group in battle in defend mode chaos antiair - Value removed from enemy group in battle vs flying unit chaos open - Value removed from enemy group in battle in open terrain chaos forest - Value removed from enemy group in battle in forest terrain chaos hill - Value removed from enemy group in battle in hill terrain chaos swamp - Value removed from enemy group in battle in swamp terrain chaos desert - Value removed from enemy group in battle in desert terrain chaos snow - Value removed from enemy group in battle in snow terrain Siege - Remove from enemy city wall bonus Wall - Adds battle to defending army No wall - Unit is unaffected by city wall when attacking or defending. Movement bonus in desert terrain that allow entire group to move at cost 1. Negate aura - Negates morale bonuses on enemy army and fear on own army. Negate terrain - Negates terrain battle bonus on enemy army. Construct - Unit with construct can build defense towers and rebuild cities. Undead lore - Undead lore is used to battle undead units found in ruins. Intelligence - A percentage of how fast you hero gain experience, 100% is default. Swarm - Increases the units battle value as more or the same unit join the group. Path finding - Allows a hero to learn how to lead his group in difficult terrain. Djonk - Limits your battle value to 15. Galley - Limits your battle value to 25. Galleon - Limits your battle value to 45. Spirituality - Not in use yet. Learning - Not in use yet. Beer - Not in use yet. Unitlist part 1Scout
Light Infantry
Heavy Infantry
Light Cavalry
Wood elf
Wolf rider
Heavy Cavalry
Battering Ram
Unitlist part 2Pegasi
Red Dragon
Unitlist part 3Sandworm
Sea serpent
Green Dragon
Great Archon
Horse Lord
Items level 1
Items level 2
Items level 3
Turn based gameEach game round is called a turn. Each player will complete his/her turn and then send it to the next player by clicking end turn.When all players have completed their turn the next round of turns begin. When many players play in the same game it can take several days to pass the turn around. If you are eager to play faster there is a option called speed when hosting a game.When this option is selected each turn must be completed within 3-5 minutes.In team games each team is doing their turn simultaneously so team games can be quite fast even with 8 players. PortalsIn the city menu there is a portal button that allow you to teleport new units to other cities controlled by you or your allies in a team game. Only units that are being trained can be teleported, units already on the map must walk. Portal speed depend on the length. In 1 turn a unit may travel 10 tiles. In 2 turns a unit may travel 45 tiles In 3 turns a unit may travel 100 tiles In 4 turns a unit may travel any distance on the map. A unit can not be intercepted while in transit.The portal does not block training of new units, it simply mean that when the unit is trained its being transferred to the destination city and a new unit is being trained meanwhile.If the destination city is taken by an enemy while the unit is in transit it will continue until it reaches the destination city. If you have recaptured the city when the unit arrives it will show up in the city. If the city is still in the hand of the enemy your unit will bounce and start travelling back to the city where it was trained and sent from.If that city is taken and held by the enemy when you unit arrives the unit will die. You can have up to four portals sending units to one city. Every team mate can set two portals to your cities. ![]() To set a portal go to the portal page in the city and click the set portal button and then the city you want to send to on the mini map.A white line and a square will show you the portal and destination city. To cancel a portal To cancel a portal, go to either the destination or source city and then to the portal page. Click the X to cancel portal.Units in transit will continue to the destination city. Fight orderTo change fight order go to game->fight order in the top menu.To change the order drag the unit to the position you want it in battle. Units top left battle first. The fight order allow you to change the order in which your units fight. The highest ranked unit in a army is always the unit shown when you see an army. Placing a bad unit high on the rank can hide the strength of the army from your enemy. The fight order can be changed at any time between battles. Map editorMap creation Creating a map is quite simple, to the left you have a set of different types of terrain. Each terrain give certain units an advantage.Select the type of terrain you want to use and start painting on the map.To the right you can find various paint tools.Brush will place a single tile of terrain on the map per click. It's good to use when creating detailed terrain.If you are going to make a larger area you can use the square tool which is good to quickly cover larger areas.When it is selected click on the map and then a few tiles away and the rectangle inside the area will fill up with the selected terrain. When placing terrain the system will randomly place different tiles to break the pattern like look.When you are drawing a larger area of the same type of terrain it will randomly place big tiles. You can use the brush tool and placethe same terrain again and again to get different results. There is no way to specifically controll which tile or big tile that is used.There are 4x4 big tiles for all terrain types except swamp. Roads will make travelling fast as all units move at the cost of 1 on roads. Roads are considered the same typ of terrain as they are painted onwhen it comes to battle bonuses. This can be used to create a passage where for example a dwarf, giants or wolves can block a passage through hills.You can use the road tool to create bridges, bridges are considered open terrain. The docking symbol will allow armies to convert from boat to land and vice versa. When converting the army lose all movement except 2. Cities and ruines / temples can only be removed by using the X symbol. Ruines comes in three levels listed from the easiest to the hardest. Right now the ruins will just give a bit of money butwill later be guarded by a monster and hold random items / tresures / allies. The greek inspired temple will give units +1 stength and the middle eastern inspired temple will give units +2 move. Map settings At the bottom right there is a option to select between map controlled start position and random start positions.If you select random start positions the map can be played with any number of players and the start positions will be randomly selected every time a game ishosted on the map. If you select map controlled you have to decide which cities that are start positions. Select edit mode and click a city toset up starting cities and other city options. You can make several cities of the same player color, the game will then randomly selectone of those cities to be the starting position for one side.The map will only be playable for as many players as you select starting positions in different castle style. Map management This chapter describes how to play your map and how to allow others to host games on it.When you are satisfied with your map and want to play it, save it and then finalize it (from the top menu). When you finalize the map it's placed in one of your finalize slots. There is a limit on how many maps you canhave in finalize status. During the beta we have set the limit to 2 maps.When the map is finalized you will be able to start games on it, listed under my maps. If you would like the map to become available for others you can click submit in the topmenu. The map will now be listed under mapsin the community. Other visitors will be able to load it and look at it in the editor, give you comments on it and place votes.It will also allow them to place the map in their map preview slots to play it. At the moment the votes serve as a help for us to decide which maps to make official maps. If we decide to make your map a official mapyou will free up a finalize slot and the map will be listed as a official map when hosting games. Your name will still be listed as the creator of the map.If you are interested in making a official map try to think about strategic possiblites to create a map with interesting game play. It can take quite a while to make agood map. The lists of official maps won't grow forever so when there are a certain amount of maps the maps that noone play will be removed from the official list in favour fornew maps. undefined undefined undefined Maritime TravelAll units may travel across the seas of Warbarons, but depending on the type of the unit, seafaring may affect the movement and battle skills of a unit in various ways, which are detailed here. Maritime Movement
Naval Warfare The strength of all land units embarked in boats is capped according to the boat type during battles at sea (see table above). This cap is applied last, after adding and subtracting bonuses. For example, a heavy cavalry with 25 strength fights with 15 strength, if embarked in a djonk, regardless of whether the opponent brings along a kraken with -10 fear on water terrain or not. The boat strength cap matters also for land units which attack enemy units that are parking on a port. Beware, the attackers are then automatically converted to djonks. However, the boat strength cap does not apply if units located on a port attack an adjacent land location, like a coastal city. Attacking coastal cities from sea can be tricky, although it is governed by the ordinary movement rules: land units in boats cannot move onto a city, so they cannot attack a coastal city directly. They must disembark at a port first in order to move on land again. On the other hand, sea creatures, flying units and heroes riding either of these can attack a coastal city directly from sea. So only cities that are directly adjacent to a port may be attacked by a mixed stack consisting of sea creatures and boats. If the port is separated from the coastal city by one tile or more, the units in boats must attack separately from sea creatures who must attack on their own. Flying units may always join other units attacking coastal cities. The 90%-rule
The 90% rule is actually not locked at 90% but instead adjusted depending on the size of the battle. In a bigger battle luck is reduced even further to not let exceptional luck in a single battle decide the outcome of a otherwise equal game. Luck will still play a role but with reduced luck a player can predict the possible outcomes thus making it possible to avoid losing because of bad luck.The 90% rule is adjusted by the total battle value of all units including terrain bonuses but no other bonuses included according to the following table.