
This is the list of your ongoing games. When its your turn the entire row is bright to make it easy to spot in which games it's your turn if you are playing in many games.
The shield represent each player in the game and it's turned into a skull when a player is dead.
The tiny hour glass on some shields tells you that this play have activated away time. A feature that allow him to gain 12 extra hours of turn time for 10 credits when his time runs out.The bar bellow the shield is a indicator that tells you how many times he may buy extra time.
You start with 20 aways when a new game is started and gain 1 more for every 5 days of game time. You can also hover your mouse over a shield to see the exact number of aways still available.Once a player run out of aways he will simply miss his turn when the time runs out.
The blue border around a shield is telling you who currently have the turn. If its a simultaneous game several players can have a blue border around their shield. The dashed border is around your shield.
The number that sometimes show up on a shield in the upper left corner tells you that this player missed his last turn. The number tell you have many turns in a row he missed. Free players may only miss 1 turn and are then auto surrendered. Silver players can miss 2 and gold 3 before they lose.